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Going in different directions?

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ok, im male and ive been in an LDR for 2 years, im 17 and going to uni (college) in september.



we are in love with eachother, (this is no problem obviously;) ) but, it just seems like the distance will never end! I resent her choices of universities to apply for, which has ultimatly left me the choice of doing my least favourite course of the 6 or going to do the course i actually want to do (biology).


It sounds awful, but I almost hope that she does not get through the interveiw so we can both go to a uni id be willing to compromise with (both our second favourite options, and which we both have interveiws for! :) ) but I know she will go to her first choice if accepted, and i doubt i will even meet the terms of my offer at her 1st choice.


what the hell do i do? i feel like im being forced into choosing between my happiness for 4 years or my gf :( which would obviously throught the LDR into another 4 years of phone calls and hours of travelling, which so far i have not minded in the least, its definiatly worth it! :p but i just feel that going to uni without her would totally stretch it and i dont know if i can cope for all that time, i mean, im a red blooded male right?


if she goes for her 1st choice, should i take a chance on the relationship and go to my prefered course or join her (a decision i would regret for the rest of my life if we broke up :( )


what to do, ive been very supporting of her ambitions but in the back of my mind ive always felt like I was being abandoned.


so im just looking for people with the same kind of experiance, what they did and how things turned out, or any advice!


thanks guys/gals

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You've been with this girl from the age of 15 to 17. IMHO, I think both of you should go to the school of your choice. You should not put your life on hold or arrange it to suit her life nor should she. You shouldn't go to the same school out of fear of losing each other.


This may a test of your commitment to each other. It also may be an opportunity for both of you to learn about yourselves as individuals, to become independent.

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hello legend


i'm not going to minimise how tough this must feel for you. it sucks the big one to love someone and not to be with them.


okay, that's the nice stuff over with. here are some facts.


your gf is willing to go away to her first choice uni without you.


you want her to fail at her interview and not have what she wants the most, so you can have what you want the most.


you are already thinking that four extra years of LDR would probably be impossible and you'd probably need to shag someone else with all that 'red blood' flowing in your veins.


so... if i was asking the question and these were the facts you'd gleaned, what would think of my relationship?

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