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Porn and lies...

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If he feels the need to wank off to porn instead of being intimate, then he's not happy in the relationship, and sometimes all the prodding and promising in the world wont change it. He might feel inadequate. Porn also makes me feel like less of a woman. Why woud he want to look at that, when he has me here, ready and willing.


It always comes down to insecurities. Which tells me that the problem lies not in the porn, but in the anti-porn woman.

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Tell you what. You promise to never again eat chocolate or some other food you like and you just see how easy that is to do for your whole life. Oh, and tell the bf that if you ever have so much as a bit of chocolate, then you're a hateful liar and he has every reason to drop you no matter how good the rest of the relationship is. :rolleyes:


Chocolate and pron are different isues, how can you compare the two? Her boyfriend is not likely to be upset by her eating chocolate. Pron, however, does have a tendancy to invoke security in some women. Life is about compromise. NO WHERE in her post did she say that she put a gun to his head and say "NEVER LOOK AT PORN AGAIN!". More likely is that she discussed the issue and he aggreed that if it upset her he promised not to.


Why do you assume that she forced him?

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Come on, guys, am I right?


When a woman wants to discuss something, she is really saying "I want you to do this thing/stop this thing."


Not really a discussion at all.

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OPs bf' shouldn't have lied to her. He should have been honest with her about his inability to give up porn.


JeT'Aime' date=' I know how much my looking at porn hurts you, and you want me to promise to stop. But, I'm not going to. I'm going to keep on looking at porn, dispite your objections. Sorry.[/quote']


That's what he should have said. :laugh: It would have saved your relationship.


Expecting a guy to give up porn for the rest of his life is simply unrealistic. Its never going to happen. Look up some statistics on porn use on google. This isn't going to change. If you cannot accept that your SO will use porn from time to time then you had better remain single for the rest of your life.

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Agree with the majority. :D Outcast has it pretty well covered here I think!


Porn use is fine unless it becomes first choice over the partner.


You might be lucky enough to find a man somewhere who will agree to never look at porn again, but most - even if they make the promise - will fail...!! It's inevitable...! :rolleyes:


I have to agree that most women who dislike porn, dislike it because of thier own insecurities.


The thought of my man doing the five knuckle truffle shuffle turns me on...! If he's doing it over a porno or mag all the better... who are those tasty ladies honey... let me see...!! :laugh:

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The thought of my man doing the five knuckle truffle shuffle turns me on...!


Oh, me too! And I have never seen it so elegantly stated. :laugh:

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