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Dr. Laura Schlessinger...don't you find her a bit harsh?

a woman

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I listen to her radio show in the car and find she's rude and judgemental to people who call in. She disapproves of living together or even having sex before marriage yet she seems to be making alot of money with her books and charity fund for homeless children.


I don't like her.

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Dr. Laura is to counselling as Rush Limbaugh is to politics. Both are extremely conservative and have a following of like-minded people.


Dr. Laura can be short, harsh, judgemental, etc. but that's what gets her the ratings she has. She does lots better on radio than on television. Most stations have either cancelled her TV program or put her on at 3 in the morning.


There is certainly a place for her in the broadcast arena. I would say that I would probably prefer watching her over Jerry Springer any day. However, there have been much better advice programs on the air in the past. Dr. Joyce Brothers is probably the best of the broadcast advice givers.


The best thing about radio and television programs is that you can turn the channel or turn them off if they're irritating. I don't watch a lot of TV programs these days. These days, I find more programs irritating than enjoyable.


But, I will definitely tell you, a day without the Crocadile Hunter is like a day without sunshine, mate!!!

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