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A former Ex who isn't ready for SEX

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I just got back together with my ex after a 3 month break-up. We are getting along really well, talking on the phone 2-3 times a day, going out every couple of days. One problem, SHE ISN'T READY TO HAVE SEX YET. Almost doesn't feel like we're back together because we haven't had sex. We had previously gone out for 2 years & had an active, & enjoyable sex life. I haven't pushed it but have made casual references to the fact I am getting frustrated. Everything else between us is going really well. We are communicating better than we did before the break-up & our time together has been like it was when we first met. How can I, to put it delicately, get the woman I love to spread her legs?


I am not pushing it, no lewd comments, no touching etc. but is there anything I can do besides play it cool. It's getting awfully HOT in here.

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I don't know what the details of your previous break up with her were but my guess is now this is her way of asserting power in the relationship which you formerly did not grant her.


Back off, be patient, give her time...and give her power. Go a few weeks without trying anything seductive at all...and it'll drive her out of her mind.


Trust me.

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hi jack,


i have a suggestion - masturbate and just chill.


maybe she wants to take it slow this time. there's no need to rush anything. this is the second time around, remember....it's starting all over again.


if all else fails, buy her another horse...that might psych her up a bit if it's gifts that get her off :)


best wishes :)

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She doesn't trust you. When me and my first love got back together, I mad him wait a week (I don't have as much willpower as your GF). I don't know why you guys broke up, but I guarantee that she isn't giving it up cuz' she doesn't trust you for some reason.

I just got back together with my ex after a 3 month break-up. We are getting along really well, talking on the phone 2-3 times a day, going out every couple of days. One problem, SHE ISN'T READY TO HAVE SEX YET. Almost doesn't feel like we're back together because we haven't had sex. We had previously gone out for 2 years & had an active, & enjoyable sex life. I haven't pushed it but have made casual references to the fact I am getting frustrated. Everything else between us is going really well. We are communicating better than we did before the break-up & our time together has been like it was when we first met. How can I, to put it delicately, get the woman I love to spread her legs? I am not pushing it, no lewd comments, no touching etc. but is there anything I can do besides play it cool. It's getting awfully HOT in here.


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Believe it or not I knew enough to "back off" after my subtle indicators were rebuffed. Do you think I should back off alltogether; no compliments on hair, clothes, looks etc., or just on the sex talk? I did complain near the end of our relationship about our sex life & I think she had the feeling I wasn't happy with the sex. Should I not try to build her confidence in her sexual attraction?

I don't know what the details of your previous break up with her were but my guess is now this is her way of asserting power in the relationship which you formerly did not grant her. Back off, be patient, give her time...and give her power. Go a few weeks without trying anything seductive at all...and it'll drive her out of her mind. Trust me.
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I would just be VERY cool for a while. Slowly, it will drive her nuts that you aren't being as agressive as you used to be. She'll wonder what's wrong with her. She'll then come after you.


At least that's always worked for me. Of course, I'm a genius (lol).

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