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Coincidence or Something Else??

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Hey guys, needed some advice; here goes my story... I met this guy in Colorado a little over a week ago, turns out he is about to finish school and has already landed a job in the city that I live in. We totally hit it off on the first night we met!! Talked all night we were out and then he got my number and kissed me at the end of the night. We met out again while we were on vacation and hit it off again, he ended up walking me back to the condo and we talked forever and kissed forever, NOTHING ELSE. I told him that I was really excited for him to move to my town and to call me when he gets there, he said he wanted to call before and made a big deal about calling me, etc... Well now that I am back in my hometown, I really haven't heard from him. I texted him Happy Birthday on his birthday a couple of days ago and he gave vague responses. Then I texted him today to see if he wanted to go skiing with some friends of mine and he could invite a friend, still vague responses.


I just don't get it, why he hyped everything up soo much and now it seems like nothing happenend... I don't want to bug him, but I do want to remain in contact until he moves here in September. How do I do that appropriately without being annoying or aggressive? I feel like I may have been a little too aggressive already and ruined whatever could have been. Please give me some good advice. Thanks Guys!!

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this was a holiday romance, nothing more.


it's only been a week and already you're doing all the chasing.


it seems clear you're way more interested than he is.


let it go.


(and if you think you've been too aggressive, you have been.)

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That is true about it being a holiday romance. The thing is, he is moving to a small town in which I live in, would like to remain in contact as friends, how should I do that without being too aggressive?

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it's not up to you to make a move now.


you've tried to be friendly with the birthday text and the skiing invitation.


the ball's now in his court. he knows where you are and if he wants to keep in touch he will.


my advice would be to do nothing. you risk coming off as desperate if you try a third attempt to engage him in a friendship he seems not to want.


if and when you see him on the street in your town, :) at him and walk on with your head held high.

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I agree. you have made your point, so it's his turn. I was told by someone on here to ignore my crush and guess what...he called me....so...(its not perfect on my end, but it got me a little further) so maybe take the advice and just wait it out a bit and see if he bites.

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Sometimes when you are caught in the moment you say stuff you dont mean. Think about it, you were both making out and talking all night, its easy to say ya sure im gonna call you blah blah blah.


I'm with the others on this, let him make the next move. Perhaps hes just stressed out with the big move/new job and dosnt have time/in the best mood to talk to you. Just wait for him. Loves a game, time to play.

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Thank you all for the responses. Just to clarify things, he is in his last semester of law school and not moving here until late august. I would like to have a relationship right now, but don't necessarily have the time b/c I am trying to finish nursing school. I would really like to remain friends with him whether that be that I don't talk to him for a couple of months and pick right back up or what. The last time we texted a couple of days ago, I told him that I was excited he was moving here and we should go get drinks, blah blah... He texted back that he agreed with all the points and that he'll definitely call me next time he comes up. Whatever that means about the points, I guess that is lawyer talk. Anyhow, I just don't want to be bothersome to him but yet still remain in some type contact. I mean not everyday or every week by all means, but you know once every one or two months...just to say "hey, what's going on." Is there harm in that or is that considered desperation? He is not moving here for 9 months, anything could happen between now and then.

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