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Help me plan my Romantic day

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This Sat. I booked a hotel room for me and my gf.


These are my plans:


1) check in hotel around 2 pm


2) have sex once in bathroom and once in bed


3) then get some rest and sleep for a bit ,take shower


4) dinner ( can you guys suggest a romantic place?)


5) movie


6) back to hotel and have maybe two more times


7) the end


what do you guys think?


i would love to hear other suggestion from you guys!!! thanks

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my suggestions....


don't make this romantic day so structured.


e.g. "have sex 2 times"....


mate, you're not a robot and neither is she, i'm sure. let it all happen naturally.


also, don't worry about going out for dinner....you'll have her eating out of the palm of your hand (or anywhere else for that matter) just by taking her on a romantic day out.


(just kidding about the dinner thing. by all means, find a really nice restaurant somewhere....seafood, french, thai etc).


your plans sound really nice. maybe you could stop in somewhere after dinner and buy her a really nice bunch of flowers. if she's not allergic, then things will go swimmingly!


good luck :)

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I agree with Miss Mojo about planning it out down to the number of times you're going to have sex with her. Don't do that. (Definitely don't tell her about that either).


Your idea of getting a hotel room, having sex, the dinner and movie are romantic. (I'm hoping that you two have already had sex, and this is not the first time for her.)


You can make it even more romantic if you like...


For example, this is what my boyfriend did a few months ago...and let's just say it was sooooo incredibly romantic.


Well told me he was going to pick me up at 11:30 to spend the day together. By noon he still wasn't there, and I was starting to get annoyed. I called him around noon, and was starting to get upset...and he was so nonchalant about it, said he started doing other things and lost track of time. Finally he picked me up at 1pm, and I was upset.


And then he says, let's forget our plans and just goto a hotel room instead, and that he'd spend the whole day with me there and make it up to me. I was like...sure whatever.


So we get to this reallly nice hotel in the best part of the city and he tells me that while he's checking in, I should have a seat by these windows that offer a beautiful view of the pool. I'm starting to get impatient by then and ready to chew him out about being late, making me wait, etc etc.


He finally takes me to the room, and I open the door...and oh boy!! There were pink, red, and white rose petals all over the room...the bed, chair, table, and on the sink, the tub, the floor...and I saw another dozen roses sitting on the table. (**Flowers are good...use them!)


And there were a bunch of scented candles all over the room that were already lit. He had went to light them while I thought he was checking in. (**So keep the lights off and curtains closed, and use candles, especially the scented ones).


I was TOTALLY speechless! It was soo beautiful...so very sensual. The reason he was late was because he was doing this for me.


And then, he gave me a card with a poem he'd written on it...and on top of that, he started out by giving me an incredible massage (**Give her a very sensual massage).


We stayed in the room all day, until we left to get dinner. By the way, don't worry about where you take her to dinner, as long as it's a decent place. Actually, he could've taken me to McDonald's for all I cared...I was having the most wonderful time..I didn't care what I ate.


Then he took me to one of our favorite spots...at this airport, where we sit by the water, and the planes fly right over our heads...and then we headed back to the room...and spent the night together.


It was truly a beautiful day.


Don't even worry about the sex or plan on doing it a set number of times. If she is as happy and shocked as I was, she will definitely thank you in her own ways by giving you much more than you expect.


:) Have fun, and tell us how your day went.

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Since sex is the primary focus of your proposed romantic evening, why spend money on all the other stuff? Just go somewhere, like a park or a remote beach, and have at it. Having sex outdoors, especially when the stars are shining above, is absolutely free...if you don't get arrested...and about as romantic as you can get. Making love is even better.


My comments about your plan:


1) check in hotel around 2 pm


Always a good idea to check in before going to your room


2) have sex once in bathroom and once in bed


Are we talking about the lobby bathroom or the one in your room?


3) then get some rest and sleep for a bit ,take shower


Oh, of course, if you are all screwed out. I mean the date would be over at this point in the case of most people. Take a shower before going to bed. Why would you want to get the sheets all sweaty and nasty.


4) dinner ( can you guys suggest a romantic place?)


Yes, either the shower or the bedroom.


5) movie


Who wants to see a movie after having sex twice in the hotal room? Their TV has the movie channels, so I suppose you can do that there.


6) back to hotel and have maybe two more times


Two more dinners or two more movies? Now, if you're talking about sex, of course. You've got to get your money's worth out of the room. And while you're at it, you could even think about making love to your lady as well.


7) the end


Which end are we talking about? Of the date or the relationship?

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I like your ideas better. It has little resemblance to the evening Romeo has planned...but maybe it's what he had in mind.

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If a boyfriend of mine took me to a place like this and expected sex, it would be the end of my relationship!


To the author of this proposed evening.........making love is romantic.....not sex!


Give your girl some real romance, or u will find u wont have a gf for much longer!

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