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Here I am, 25 and still a virgin! -(


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It'll happen when you're ready and the time is right for you and your partner. Don't obsess with this. Losing your virginity is not nearly as important as making love for the first time with someone who is very special and means a great deal to you.


(I think once you masturbate, you're sort of not a virgin anymore anyway. You have done that, haven't you?)

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I hope you don't think 25 is old!! Also, you have obviously waited for a reason. I waited, as Tony replied, for a special person. It wasn't sex - it was making love. I was considerably older than you when I met the right person and was sure. It is so much more than a physical thing when you honestly love someone. There is nothing wrong with you. A majority of people did not know that I was still a virgin nor do they now know that I'm not. NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH! (sorry, I love keeping secrets!) It seems like society is bass-ackwards these days. I got ridiculed for being a "good girl" - even from my friends!!! For getting good grades, for not dating "just anyone", for not sleeping with someone, for not smoking or drinking. I make these choices for health and well-being - mentally and physically. I know one friend was perplexed on how I could "wait" - don't I have urges. YES!!! I'm a human being - an animal - I want to love someone. LOVE them! Not just go around banging a guy so that I can say that I did it! She slept with someone (other than her husband) prior to getting married. She had regrets for doing it. Her way of covering her regrets was to question my morals!!! Yea. The point is - don't worry about it. Relish in it. You are worth the wait! You are a good, strong person waiting for the right person to share your complete self with - not just your body. Wait until it can be all of you. It is worth it.


Drat, I've never been this old in my entire life. Is anyone similar situation as me?

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Hmm...I'm a 20 year old virgin and to be honest I would love to be 25 and be able to say I'm still a virgin. I don't mean that I don't want to have sex now (goodness don't think that...lol), but if when I'm 25 I'm still a virgin because I don't feel like I've met the right person to share that moment with then I'll be proud to say I'm 25 and a virgin.


For some people, they are virgins because the opportunity never really presented itself. There are virgins who just never had sex because they never really had a boyfriend. I know someone who was 30 and she was a virgin because she had never had a boyfriend and she was too shy to just go out and proposition a guy, although she thought about doing just that.


I think its all the more special when you are faced with the decision to have sex and you conciously choose one way or the other. If it is indeed that you have a made a choice, then there is nothing to be ashamed of.


I'm not 25 yet but I am in a relationship now where I really feel like this guy could be the one. But I'm in no rush and if I'm still with him when I'm 25 and I'm still a virgin, well I will be proud then. Proud that I make decisions for me. Proud that I have a guy that respects my decisions. And proud because it will be what both of us want. Because he surely has the right to walk away if not having sex becomes an issue for him. Knowing that he wants to be with me even though we aren't having sex just makes me love him more. Maybe that is selfish of me for depriving him of that pleasure. But just think about when I do decide to go to that level if i go there with him...how it will make him feel. Its worth it.


Be proud! You are in control of your life! Nothing to feel ashamed!

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