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Sex therapist in Seattle/Olympia/Portland area?

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After 7 years together, many ups & downs, several marriage counselors, my husband & I really need to find a GOOD sexual therapist. Every single other aspect of our marriage is about as close to perfect as you can get (now anyway! Took work to get there obviously), but the sexual incompatabilities & miscommuncations have us pretty close to divorce.


Can anyone please, please recommend a sexual therapist anywhere in western Washington or northwestern Oregon? (we're willing to drive quite a ways for someone who will actually help us) We would both prefer a woman, though that is not an absolute requirement. We also need someone who is experienced in marriages where one partner is into 'kink' and the other isn't and doesn't have any biases either way about the subject (this is much more important than the therapist's gender). We also need to someone who isn't obviously religious (we're both agnostics...we tried one highly recommended marriage counsellor who was talking about 'God's will' and 'sin' within 5 minutes...we were out of there in 7!)




Thank you very much for your help!

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