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Boyfriend keeps on chatting to random women in nightclubs

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Lucy Loverheart



I have recently started a relationship with this guy. All is well except when we go out socially to nightclubs or bars. I'm starting to get really annoyed and anxious about an aspect of his behaviour. For example if I go to the bar or the ladies room when I return he'll be chatting away to some strange woman he's never met before. Sometimes when we're together he'll even start talking to a strange woman in front of me! He can be quite tactile and may touch their arm as he is talking. A close friend of mine met him recently and thought he was a bit of a player.


What do you think? Am I being paranoid, jealous or silly? Please let me know you think.


Many thanks - Lucy xxx

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I think that he is a player and seems to be selfish and rude to do that in front of you the nerve of people .. I know some guys like this to that are that way t their g/f and i wouldn't take it and all they do is go along with it.. If he does it again walk out and tell him you going it is obvious you rather be with someone else besides you!! Good luck

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Girl wake up. Don't let some guy play you. They are to many men in this world for that. You either need to turn the tables on him or leave him. Good lucky

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