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what kind of girls do guys hate?

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so, I thought that I'd do a little survey...for all of the young 20's some group of girls, desperately trying to avoid doing things guys hate.. So, any tips, thoughts, comments???

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Personal opinion:

I dislike nasty girls. "Loud mouthed, long nails, too much make-up" type.

I also dislike emotionally-weak girls.

Lastly, floppy girls and very thin girls, binge-drinking retards, and those that fall ill often.

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Personal opinion:

I dislike nasty girls. "Loud mouthed, long nails, too much make-up" type.


im neither loud mouth and hate makeup but my nails are like 1.5-inches long which does really looked long to many people. is that a turn-off?

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desperately trying to avoid doing things guys hate..


Well, just to reassure you, guys tend to be pretty keen on girls :love:


Unattractive behaviour for me tends to fall into the selfish or emotionally unstable categories. Or both.


It's ok for girls to look after themselves and to be emotional, of course. These qualities are attractive. But being a bitch, not following through on commitments, being a princess or dependent/clingy, creating drama just for the sake of it - all these are big turn offs.

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Extremely Overweight

Bad manners

Poor hygiene



and hitting on all his friends with a stick hanging between his legs kind of woman!!!


I think I hit most of it.


Now to be the kind of woman men are attracted to just look at the opposites of what is on this list....

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"Hate" is a pretty powerful word, but I think I get your drift.


The things that turn me off a woman are:

  • Self-absorption (gawd, there are a LOT of self-absorbed wimmen around!);
  • Those who talk incessantly about nothing at all;
  • Can't control their emotions;
  • Dumber than a box of hammers;
  • Extremely inhibited;
  • Extremely extroverted;
  • Overweight (yea, I know, call me shallow if you will, but hey, that's just my preference);
  • Lousy housekeeper;;
  • High-maintenance ("If you don't buy me that, then you don't love me anymore!!);
  • Complainers;
  • Psychos;
  • Bad teeth;
  • Say one thing, do another;
  • Constantly changing their mind, so you can't count on what they say;
  • Drama, drama, drama;
  • Clingy;
  • Constantly jabbering on her cell phone;
  • Sexually repressed, or won't take sexual initiative;
  • The pervasive, "It's all about me!!" attitude;
  • Compliment-diggers;
  • Have no interests other than makeup, celebrities, nail polish and fashion.


wow... I'm a picky sonofabitch, ain't I?

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"Hate" is a pretty powerful word, but I think I get your drift.


The things that turn me off a woman are:

  • Self-absorption (gawd, there are a LOT of self-absorbed wimmen around!);
  • Those who talk incessantly about nothing at all;
  • Can't control their emotions;
  • Dumber than a box of hammers;
  • Extremely inhibited;
  • Extremely extroverted;
  • Overweight (yea, I know, call me shallow if you will, but hey, that's just my preference);
  • Lousy housekeeper;;
  • High-maintenance ("If you don't buy me that, then you don't love me anymore!!);
  • Complainers;
  • Psychos;
  • Bad teeth;
  • Say one thing, do another;
  • Constantly changing their mind, so you can't count on what they say;
  • Drama, drama, drama;
  • Clingy;
  • Constantly jabbering on her cell phone;
  • Sexually repressed, or won't take sexual initiative;
  • The pervasive, "It's all about me!!" attitude;
  • Compliment-diggers;
  • Have no interests other than makeup, celebrities, nail polish and fashion.


wow... I'm a picky sonofabitch, ain't I?


Good list... especially Nos 2, 6, 9, and the last one. :)


I would also add *too much focused on career*. Indicates love of money and material junk. :)

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sheesh... you guys, you need to know how to summarize.... Listing 20points isn't gonna help the girls here understand the general psyche of men.


I think we should list like ... the top 3 things that guys dislike about girls. And for me, they'd be ...


1. loud and brash

2. clingy and needy

3. doesn't know how to dress and make themselves look nice

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"Hate" is a pretty powerful word, but I think I get your drift.


The things that turn me off a woman are:

  • Self-absorption (gawd, there are a LOT of self-absorbed wimmen around!);
  • Those who talk incessantly about nothing at all;
  • Can't control their emotions;
  • Dumber than a box of hammers;
  • Extremely inhibited;
  • Extremely extroverted;
  • Overweight (yea, I know, call me shallow if you will, but hey, that's just my preference);
  • Lousy housekeeper;;
  • High-maintenance ("If you don't buy me that, then you don't love me anymore!!);
  • Complainers;
  • Psychos;
  • Bad teeth;
  • Say one thing, do another;
  • Constantly changing their mind, so you can't count on what they say;
  • Drama, drama, drama;
  • Clingy;
  • Constantly jabbering on her cell phone;
  • Sexually repressed, or won't take sexual initiative;
  • The pervasive, "It's all about me!!" attitude;
  • Compliment-diggers;
  • Have no interests other than makeup, celebrities, nail polish and fashion.

wow... I'm a picky sonofabitch, ain't I?


Most of these can be put under something in my list.. Looks like I am pretty much right.. Thanks for the confirmation Slubb

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sheesh... you guys, you need to know how to summarize.... Listing 20points isn't gonna help the girls here understand the general psyche of men.

I know, I can be a wee bit long-winded at times, but hey, I was on a roll!

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I know, I can be a wee bit long-winded at times, but hey, I was on a roll!


I know, I do that too at times.

So, give us your top 3 Slubber...

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Fair enough:

  1. Overweight/unkempt;
  2. Self-absorbed;
  3. Can't control their emotions.


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Fair enough:

  1. Overweight/unkempt;
  2. Self-absorbed;
  3. Can't control their emotions.



I'm with you man! :cool:


I was gonna mention the first one, but I thought that would've gotten quite a few ladies pissed :lmao:

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Fair enough:

  1. Overweight/unkempt;
  2. Self-absorbed;
  3. Can't control their emotions.



I have no issues with #1 because I agree. I wouldn't want to be with a man who doesn't take care of himself or at least try too. I understand some people have health issues and struggle with weight. I prefer a man with some meat on his bones anyway.


I worry about your throughts on #3 though. If a woman was to be emotionally in control all the time then you would have nothing to feel like you are her savior about. When the woman your in love with is in distress and her emotions are running high doesn't your instincts kick in to help her, comfort her, support her? When you find a solution to her problem and she is smiling once again dont you feel rewarded and like her hero. It gives you the ability to feel like a real man who is wanted, needed, appreciated, and respected...


I have heard men talk about exgfs who were hard, cold, showed no emotion and were very independant. Those men felt like they could do nothing right, like they weren't appreciated, needed, or wanted.


Women need to be females and Men need to be males. We are wired to support our gender..


When I get overly emotional its because there is something I need help with, I am confused and need more details to understand or I am hurting and need comfort. All things men are good at solving if they chose too.


This is all my insight and some women may not agree with me..


If a man can't handle a womans emotions then he has emotional issues himself he cant face... My thoughs also..

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Pada, you make a good point. What I was trying to get at - unsuccessfully, obviously - are those who are so in touch with their "feelings" that they cannot, or will not, pay attention to anything else.


I have absolutely no issue with the occasional emotional outburst, whatever the reason. The problem, as I see it, arises when the outbursts come so frequently, and with so much vehemence, that they damage the relationship.

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Pada, you make a good point. What I was trying to get at - unsuccessfully, obviously - are those who are so in touch with their "feelings" that they cannot, or will not, pay attention to anything else.


I have absolutely no issue with the occasional emotional outburst, whatever the reason. The problem, as I see it, arises when the outbursts come so frequently, and with so much vehemence, that they damage the relationship.


Then I would dare say you are talking about women with major psychological problems and need some serious counceling. Sounds like 'Bipolar' or 'Manic Behavior". Which is characteristic of extreme emotions up or down and can't look outside of themselves.


I am very in-touch/in-tuned with my feelings and I focus a lot on them but I don't use them to get-get-get or me-me-me focus in a relationship. I pay attention to them to guide me in a possitive way as best I know how. If I ignor what I feel then I would have remained in that abusive unhealthy marriage... I also pay attention to what I feel because they direct me as to how my partner maybe feeling. My reactions to him can show me if he needs attention, space, help, etc etc..

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Selfishness, manipulation

Lack of self confidence, clinginess

never initiating dates or sex

continuously brings up proposal/marriage/kids

Unkept appearance

Gives up own interests and friends to be with you 24/7


Same things go for both genders, imo.

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I really appreciate your responses ...seems like most of the points tend to overlapp. Well, maybe we are getting to be too picky on what we want in our SO's ..

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women who put us in the friend-zone.

why?-their lack of consideration of a great guy who has already proven himself to be genuine is insulting to say the very least.

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Women who wish to begin a "FWBs" relationship and then invariably not living up to their commitment, telling the man she is "in love", wants an "exclusive relationship" and just cant bear the thought of him being with another woman... from my experience, this tends to happen more with younger women who are not very well off financially.


With older women, this problem tends to diminish with the more financially independent the woman is. Very interesting..either way, I hate it when they cant live up to their end of the bargain and almost NEVER wish to stay in touch and be regular friends...all of a sudden they want all or nothing and act like we/men should have known this was coming...um..NO. We are MEN.


We operate on the level of what you say is what we hear...we (for the most part) dont go any deeper than this. So dont say one thing and expect us to interpret it into another. ;)

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That about covers it all.


Needy is, perhaps, the worst. There's nothing more off-putting than a passive dependent who NEEDS a man in her life to feel whole and taken care of.


Give me an intelligent, interested, engaged, independent woman every time.

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I was curious about one statement made : Men hate gold diggers


If thats true , then I have 2 friends who are serious gold diggers and their bf's buy them everything that they could want. I dont get it. If men dont like gold diggers why do these 2 guys cater to my friends ?


( For the record I am not a gold digger :)

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