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IT career question

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There are all sorts of e-business career paths that have lots of potential, provided you have the skills to realize that potential. Internet banking is one of them, because:


1. Banks have more money then they know what to do with, and tend to pay their developers more than they're worth


2. Most major banks have THOUSANDS of legacy systems that need upgrading to something more modern and efficient... meaning there's lots of work to go around for years to come


There are plenty of other e-business fields that are great areas to be in right now.


I don't see how it makes that much of a difference what specific field you work in, since you can transfer between them almost at will. If you have the appropriate skills (creating dynamic internet apps, application development in Java and VisualBasic, database development on one or more of the major platforms, etc.) you can get work in a fingersnap. Just shop around though a recruiting agency until you find a job with a big company that pays what you want. The "tech slowdown" hasn't changed that too much -- North America is still many thousands of developers short of what industry needs/wants. The requirement that dot-com companies had for developers has shrunken enormously, but more traditional company's requirements have grown just as fast as they try to computerize and automate their paper-based systems.


Why are you posting this on a relationship advice forum? Are you in love with ibank development? If so, I recommend you seek therapy.


Is ibank support/development the best career path for IT development? if not, Why can we charge so much premium for our clinets?
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