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my boyfriend moved away and losy interest doing so!


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hey i need advice male or female any age. I have been in love with This guy named Jeff for 2 years and about 6 months ago he moved to the county,next 2 mine.ever since then he has lost interest in me and his old life.His parents dont like me becuz i am somewhat gothic and they think i worship satan (no!).So he dumped me bcuz he could never see me anymore cuz his parents didnt like me.He said he thinks we might have a chance later on in life.What can i do to get his interest back and to change his parents minds about me? or atleast let me speak to their son over the phone without hanging up ort lying about how he isnt there! please post back or email at <e-mail address removed> PLEASE!!!

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I think this is simply one of those cases where he has moved on for lots of reasons.


If you are very serious about the guy, the ways of getting him back are very obvious. You'll have to move closer to him and you'll have to modify your Gothic look by taking all the metal pins and rings out of your body, removing tattoos and otherwise modifying any other odd, unusual or unnatural body markings that may irritate his parents and set off an airport metal detector.


I know that the Gothic look is you and you are principled enough that you would not compromise your Gothic ideals for anyone. Therefore I think you are best to just let this go until a later time. In a few months, you won't even give this guy a second thought.

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