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Would just like to vent a little, truth, how I see it


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First of all I am a 27 year old male and I am extremely perceptive of people and really analyzing things and really trying to figure out how things work and why people REALLY do certain things. Sometimes I really wish that I never was that way. For example, when we all were younger we all had the perception that all of our aunts and uncles were the coolest people in the world, only to find out, year after year more stuff about them that makes them seem less and less cool and it really diminishes your opinion about them. Like how you find out that your uncle use to beat your aunt when you were younger or how one of them cheated constantly on the other or even how they may have been into drugs really heavy. Now I understand that everyone has there problems but, how do you really look beyond peoples flaws like such and really tell yourself that really are a good person and your image of them should not change?


My main delema is my view on women. Now let me also state that I live in the NYC metro area so maybe what I see around here is unique to my area, I don't know.


I see a lot of women who only care about themselves. They are out for themselves and they will do what ever it takes to get what they want no matter who they hurt getting there or what self respect they must sacrifice to get there.


A few examples:

#1 That TV show by Aston Kutcher, Beauty and the Geek, now we all now that no beautiful girl like those women would ever marry or much less even date any of those guys on the show unless it had an alternative motive that fullfills their ultimate goal. If one of them were fillthy rich, the would suck it up so they could divorce them and get half of what they got (aka Anna Nicole Smith) TRUTH: I can not think of one guy who would marry some old 80 year old rich women just to get her money.


#2 Why are so many beautiful women in porn right now as if it were the coolest new fad out there. There is no way in hell that you can still have any self respect for yourself anymore after you really analyze what you are doing. Impossible. Look at Jerry Springer, why are these women showing their breasts to the world just for a damn set of Jerry beads. Would you want your wife or girlfriend or daughter to do this? I don't think so


#3 Why is it SO MANY women walk down the street with tunnel vision as if they were a runway model at DKNY fashion show? This is not a natural walk and is almost always associated with someone who is a stuck up b _ _ _ _. who thinks her S _ _ T doesn't stink.


#4 Why are so many women getting plastic surgery at the highest rate ever?


These are just a few of the things that I see on a daily basis and as we all now, there is a reason for everything. Everything that humans do can be explained one way or the other. The only problem is when you do finally realize why someone is doing the things they do, how do you look beyond it?

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