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How can I get her back?

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I've known this girl for a while now and i've always been intrested in her. I havent persued her until this year because last year she had a boyfriend and i didnt see reason to pay attention to her. I worked with her over the summer and i got to become alot better friends with her and she broke up with her boyfriend. I finally made my move and it worked and i hooked up with her twice..both times knowing that she really wanted it. Everything was going perfectly and then her boyfriend came back from college and wanted to get back together with her. She didnt get back together with him but for some reason it really freaked her out and she told me she needed time to think things through. its been about a month since that occurred and I'm really afraid that i'm gonna be put under the 'just friends' list now. im just wondering how i can avoid that from happening and how i could possibly get back wit her again.



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Well i think you 'pounced' a bit too soon my overeager friend. You fell to the

rebound monster. She was all vulnerable and you got in there. I dont think you will fall under the 'just friends' catagory because you've already scored...unless you ment you just hung out twice....then you are probably screwed.


But like she said, just give her time. Perhaps a month or two more. Getting over a past relationship can take alot of time. Sometimes even 6 months or a year. In the mean time she might just party and screw around, or mope or whatever. If you really like this girl, you dont want to mess it up by being just a recovery fling.


Dont be there too much for her either, or you will be a friend. Keep it casual and date other girls in the mean time.

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Well i think you 'pounced' a bit too soon my overeager friend. You fell to the

rebound monster. She was all vulnerable and you got in there. I dont think you will fall under the 'just friends' catagory because you've already scored...unless you ment you just hung out twice....then you are probably screwed.


But like she said, just give her time. Perhaps a month or two more. Getting over a past relationship can take alot of time. Sometimes even 6 months or a year. In the mean time she might just party and screw around, or mope or whatever. If you really like this girl, you dont want to mess it up by being just a recovery fling.


Dont be there too much for her either, or you will be a friend. Keep it casual and date other girls in the mean time.


Yes, already said pretty much what I was going to say.


I would a further clarification, if you haven't had sex with her, and by that I mean any kind of sexual activity, you will be put into the friends corner.


If you have then there is still a chance, assuming that she enjoyed it with you. Better still if she enjoyed it more with you.

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