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Weird addiction, not a substance...

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My addiction is weird. I must study. Not like school work, not books, but people. I feel like I HAFT to study the oppisate sex... Relationships have become a addiction for me. Honestly, I love every girl I meet. Not just love, but I adore every girl I meet with unconditional love. I love women so much that I must be "at one" with them. I must understand the way women think, why they do the stuff they do.


Which also is to blame for my relationship problems like not being able to keep one person for very long because I get don't get attached very easy.



Am I really ****ed up and obsessive? Sometimes I think I am, this place is the first place ive ever shared this. Im open to all kinds of responces! If you have somthing extreamly negative to say please say it, im open to all kinds of feedback!!!

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