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I'm sleeping with a friend who also has a gf.


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Hi I'm elisabeth and I'm 22 years old... Long story short... I've been friends with this guy for over 6 months. And started having feelings for him. He was broken up with his ex but still friends at the time. So I thought I'd have a chance, and he told a friend of mine he had feelings for me but didn't know if itd go any further. But end of dec he started seeing his ex again. I was hurt and told him I had feelings for him. His reaction was of suprise and asked y I didn't say anything sooner. I thought I'd missed my chance. And was disapointed but ok with being just friends. But recently we've started hooking up. And just the other night we slept together for the first time. We agreed its suppose 2 be a secret because we work at the same place and people talk... a lot. I'm ok with it, and I know its wrong on my part because he has a gf. But I really like this guy. I'm not sure his side, he treats me good and doesn't act weird with me. But hasn't broken up with her. And she treats him badly.

Should I just take what I can get and be happy?

For guys, what is this 2 him? Just sex? More than that?

And why won't he break up with her? I know he's very close 2 her family, but hes constantly fighting with her.

Your thoughts and advice please..

And thankyou in advance =)

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Should I just take what I can get and be happy?


If you were happy I'm doubtful you'd be posting here.


For guys, what is this 2 him? Just sex? More than that?


Who knows? Ultimately he's the only one who can answer that question. Interesting that in your post you didn't describe how he felt the same way towards you when you told him how you felt.


His reaction was of suprise and asked y I didn't say anything sooner.

Your thoughts and advice please..


My impression is that you're a friend to him with a bit of hassle free sex on the side. My advice would be to stop it - now - unless of course you don't mind being a bit on the side.

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Sleeping with guys who have girlfriends usually leads to some kind of major problems.


I'd break it off and keep your relationship platonic. If he gets his head on straight and breaks it off with the GF and wants to try things with you again...then good luck!


Otherwise, don't settle for someone else's scraps.

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I completely agree with the previous posters. It would be one thing if you guys hooked up and he promptly ditched his gf. Since he is staying with her then that means that you are probably just a fun source of sex.

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I think that you should do what you ultimately feel is right. You said yourself that you know that it is wrong to sleep with him because he has a gf. Could you ever really trust this guy if you guys did end up together? He is cheating on his gf with you, so what will keep him from doing it to you? You may think that she doesn't treat him right and she may not but keep in mind that people tend to talk about the bad more than the good sometimes. There is obviously a reason that he is staying with her. All in all, I think that this guy sounds like a real creep. He is cheating on his gf and taking advantage of you, his "friend".

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