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AWB update & ex is contacting me again

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if its just casual sex you want i can be on a plane tonite. Detroit is a NorthWest hub so we have flights leaving all the time to alomost everywhere :laugh:


No, Alpha. If it's with you, I want a marriage proposal first! :confused::lmao:

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I be your fwend Lonestar :)


I am off out tonight to meet Mr Right - I will update you tomorrow!!!! :)


Good luck, Lishy! He's out there somewhere. I'm not going out until tomorrow night. Have a meeting tomorrow at 9:00 am that I don't feel like being hungover for.

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No one blows off Lonestar. :cool:


what's so special about you baby? ;)


We kissed a couple times in the past, but nothing ever became of it, but Sunday night he came home with me and we made out in front of the fireplace for more than an hour. I actually had to restrain myself from f*cking him.


why did you have to hold out?? you already made out with him...


Lonestar, from what you are saying about this guy i guess you have feelings for him.. what is stopping you from pursuing a relationship with him? i know you are only looking for a FWB but have you absolutely ruled out getting into a relationship ever?

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