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Did something wrong with my best friend

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I made make love with my best friend last Sunday. He broke up with his girlfriend and I went to his home. At last, I did it with him


I have boyfriend who love me a lot. But all of my friend don't think he is right choice to me (Even my best friend who made love with me)I didn't tell him about me and my best friend


Now I still contact with my best friend, but we didn't mention last time what we did. I really don't know how to do.. Would you mind suggest for me?

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I suggest you make up your mind. If you want to remain with your current boyfriend, be decent and be sexually loyal to him.


If you want to start dating your friend you had sex with, then break up with your boyfriend and do so.


I don't think you are ready for a committed relationship. Anybody who just jumps into bed with a friend who just broke up with somebody is very confused. Perhaps you've had this guy in mind for a long time. I don't know.


But the question you ask is one YOU have to answer, not anybody in this forum. You have to decide what you want to do.

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I really thank you for your advice. I know this is really bad thing before my current bf. I'm not that lost my mind normally in front of my friend. But this is a special case . As i know that he just treat me as a replacement, so i didn't ask him that much, i don't want to learn those excess why he had that action on that moment, as also I don't give a chance for myself to get hurt by him


but now inside my heart, I'm so guilty about . I have no guts to face my bf and also now i have some problem between my bf and me


so do you think I need to clam down and don't go to meet them?

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