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How do I tell him?

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I have a problem now. I think I am falling for a friend. I know he doesn't like to date friends. But the more our relationship as friends progresses the more I like him. I mean we have spent the nite at each others houses. We have gotten so close in the past year. It's hard to believe that it is because of our exes. I mean they were both bad for us. And we leaned on each other and helped each other. I just don't know what to do about it. I mean do I tell him how I feel or do I just suppress the feelings cause I know how he feels about being "just friends" I have known him forever. It just seems natural to be around him and to be with him. Everytime I am with him all I can think about is telling him how I feel. But if icome clean and just tell him what if he doesn't take it well and then doesn't want to be my friend even more. Now I know what you all will say for that. "If he takes it wrong and doesn't want to be your friend, then he wasn't a good friend to begin with." Well he has always been there for me. He has watched out for me like no one else has before. I am just unsure if he will want to be my friend if I come clean to him. He could react all wrong and it could all just suck. I just have this nice picture of he and I in my head when I'm with him. He probably doesn't see the same way. Recently he has wanted to meet some of my friends and I am afraid he will become interested in one of them or someone else and I won't know what to do then. I will have sort of backed myself in a corner if he dates one of them. (they do however know how I feel about him so they wouldn't date him anyways... but still.. there is that concern there) I don't want him to be unhappy and not move on. But I can't help but wish I was the girl he moves on to. So? Any Advice will be helpful!

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Recently he has wanted to meet some of my friends


Drinking + Friends asking questions(when you convenently leave the room for a bit) = the answers you seek....unless you are under the legal drinking age...um then disregard........:sick:


Its a good plan if you are too afraid to ask him. And because "You didnt know they asked the questions because you were out of the room *wink* *wink*" worst case scenario is you both pretend he didnt say a word.


Now your friends cant just start grilling him. Perhaps they could say something like:


them: "Mercedes(yes im giving you a stripper name for now) always goes out with jerks, its too bad theres no good guys around. Oh wait how bout you?"


him:"ME?! But we're just friends."


them: "But the two of you are perfect for each other, why dont you think Mercedes is cute(this will confuse him)"


him: "er..uh...well ya, but i dont think she sees me as more than a brother or something"


them: "I bet we could convince her if you want, I think she thinks your cute(this is good because you still have denighability because she just 'thinks' it and will put the though in his mind. Ever notice if you hear someone thinks you are cute, you start to think they are cute almost subconciously"


him: "uh...i dont know.."


them: "You know what, if you are uncomfortable, we could ask her but not tell her we are asking for you(dirty trick), thats if you like her that is"


him: "OH GOD I LOVE YOU MERCEDES I WANNA MAKE SWEET PASSIONATE LOVEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!OHHHHHHHHHHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD!!............wait, stop interrupting my scenario with your own fantasy !!!


Anyways you get the point. Friends are a powerful tool. Just make sure they are subtle and nonchalont about it. Make it seem like its natural and not forced.

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I have thought about that. But I didn't want to use them. I actually did have that oppurtunity just a few weeks ago. But didn't use it. I actualy told him I liked him and lo and behold he didn't remember a word I said to him the next morning. But I got the typical "we're just friends" from him when I said that to him. It was nice just being with him. But you know he doesn't see it that way. I mean he shows no signs whatsoever. It's astonishing. I mean I know I have to be quite obvious to him by now. although that might not be true considering most of the male population has to be hit over the head to be shown someone actually does like them. I mean we talk every night into the late hours. we are talking right now as I am writing this. And yet I still believe he has no idea at all. I don't want to just come out and say it. Yes I am a coward. I just don't know what he will say or think or do. I mean the idea of him saying "yup we're not friends anymore" always pops into my mind when I think of seriously tellling him how I feel about him. And now that I think about it this really isn't the first time I've felt this way about him. I suppressed this feeling around 3 years ago because he got a new girlfriend and so I was out of the picture. I'm just afraid that could happen again. I mean do I really have a chance here? I guess I'll never know until I try. so I guess I'll never know.

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