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Falling for a friend

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Was wondering if any of you have had any stories or experiences about falling for one of your friends.....


How did you go about trying to date them???/ Did it work out???? etc......


Interested to see the replies.


I got out of a relationship about 3 months ago and I think I am developing feelings for one of my friends.... I spend time over at her place sometimes but only freendly but we watch movies over at her room all the time.



We talk about the relationships we would like to have and she tells me how she misses being in a realtionship with someone. She tells me about the people she has likes and how she will never get them and how she wishes she could just find a guy that could treat her right etc.....


She is the kind of girl I would like in a realationship.... any suggestions on how to get her without losing her friendship.

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Take a break and reflect on the reasons why your previous relationship didn't work out, especially what part you had in it, before you jump to the next relationship. I deeply mistrust people who in one post lament the end of their relationship and a couple of posts later ask on how to start the next relationship. Obviously you're trying to shift your amorous feelings to your friend who probably won't be pleased to be your rebound. This reminds me of a personal observation, whenever I'm somewhere over a longer period of time with not one single guy who interests me I start lowering my expectations. I start finding people interesting who normally I would find unattractive. I don't think I'm like this anymore, but this is called desperation, ok? ;)

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I can definately speak from experience here in that MAKE SURE YOU ARE WILLING TO LOSE THE FRIENDSHIP FOR THE SAKE OF SOMETHING MORE. I lost a very, very good friend of mine. We hooked up, and dated for a little while. She fell in love with me, but I wasn't in love with her. It's been a year now, and we JUST started talking - very, very little - about a month ago.


I also, this past April, ended up dating another friend of mine. We hung out together while she was in another relationship. I knew her ex, too. Long story short, we ended up going out and had way too many margaritas. We ended up hooking up all night long....and then for about 5 months after that. We fell in love - she IS the love of my life. She got scared because she wasn't ready for anything serious - even though she moved in. (she moved out 3 weeks later because she was so scared) You can check out "my story" on the break-up board. Anyway, she broke my heart like nobody else has...not even my last 4-year relationship. I lost her friendship, now, too. I do believe that one day we'll be friends again, but it sucks...it really sucks.


So, my advice to you is be very, very careful. Know that there's a possibility that it may not work out and that the friendship will be lost as well. Make sure YOU are ready to pursue another relationship (I've read your previous posts by the way) before delving into this one. She was the one true, true love of my life...and my best friend. Being scared is a scary thing...

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No guys... I know I am not completely over my ex......



It will be a while


I was jsut looking to see bout stories... I just became curious about seeing it work.. I have never seen it work before.

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I fell in love with a girl 12 years ago. To make a long story short, I still love her today, but we've never been anything but friends. Havnt even kissed her.


Only the best things in life are worth risk. Risk losing this girls friendship, or be

forever lost in the horrible pain and agony of unrequented love.

I waited too long, and got stuck in the friend zone.

Belive me skeptik you are way better off going out with these people and it not working out, because that pain fades, but unrequented love is like a horrible scar that

never dissapears. Because there is no closure, there is no end to the pain.


'tis better to have loved and lost, then to never loved at all.....or loved and never gotten thee some booty' im sure he would have wrote that now'a'days ;)

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You're right, Super. The first friend I was with wasn't worth losing the friendship over. The 2nd one I wouldn't have changed for the world. She is my soulmate...no doubt about it. That was risk worth taking. The first one I could have not crossed the line and been much happier.

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Well hind sights 20/20 as they say. Maybe if you hadnt crossed the line with the first you might not have tried with the second. I just think sometimes its worth the risk.

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