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Is he interested or...???

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There’s this guy who comes in the office I work at. He seems to be coming in more often lately. He’s got a very outgoing, sometimes almost eccentric type personality. Lately, he’s on this kick about wanting a hug all the time. He’s extremely sexy and he has this charisma about him. He calls me “darling” and “hun”. But sometimes he’s like that to other people too, so I don’t if it’s real or not. Lately, he comes in the office just because. He’s not there for business purposes…he’s just coming to talk. The only people in the front of our office is me and one other lady but he doesn’t talk to her much and plus she’s married. So, it appears he’s dropping by to see me. Twice recently when no one else was in the area of the office where we were…he tried to get me to come over where he was and give him a hug. He said it in this sexy alluring way. I don’t know if he’s just feeding his male ego or what!? My personality is opposite his and I’m a lot younger than him. He’s 42 and I’m almost 25 (he doesn't look or act 42!). He was in the other day and sang like 3 songs to me. It was flattering but I wasn't sure what to do. Sometimes he says things that make me think he wants to talk or open up to me about something. I’m usually too shy and don’t know what to say. He’s got a lot of stuff to deal with in his personal life and I don’t want to be too nosey or over step any boundaries. What should I do? I’m terrible when it comes to flirting. I usually freeze up and don’t know what to say. I’m shy and modest and he’s so experienced and sensual. He’s so outrageous and flamboyant in his actions and does things out of the ordinary all the time. I’m not sure if I’d surprise him or amuse him by trying to flirt back or by making a move. Should I make a move? If so, do you have any suggestions? Does it sound like he's in to me?

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He calls me “darling” and “hun”. But sometimes he’s like that to other people too, so I don’t if it’s real or not.


If he's like that to other people then I wouldn't read too much into this.


Twice recently when no one else was in the area of the office where we were…he tried to get me to come over where he was and give him a hug. He said it in this sexy alluring way.


Sounds pretty creepy to me. Eccentric or not, it would be considered highly inappropriate behaviour in most offices. You should tell your boss.


He’s got a lot of stuff to deal with in his personal life.....


Like a wife perhaps?

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Ok Scarlett42.


He is only a lttle older than me.


So here goes.


He is 17 years older than you. How old is your father?


He is not interested in much more than playing with you.


A 42 year old man would not behave in such a manner. DO NOT ENTERTAIN HIM.


My daughter is older than you. She finds it really creepy when this happens to her.



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Mistaken Identity

My fist thought was that he was gay. Especially when you used the word flamboyant. If he's not gay, he's--in my daughter's words--a "man whore:love:. "

Either way, what he's doing may be considered sexual harrassement. What does he hope to accomplish with a hug? A feel?

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