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hhhhh.....Close Minded Parents.....


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Hey guys,


Do any of you have the problem that their parents are close minded, I can't face my mother knowing that She knows I have a girlfriend, She'll kill me, My dad he will think before he acts< probably accept the face that I have grown up.I am 16,You know that I need a girlfriend, but the idea of letting my parents know is insane especially for my mom! Hiding it makes me feel I'm doing the wrong thing, I mean, " Why hide it if it was OK " I keep thinking of the Phrase "Sweet Sixteen", someday I'm gonna wake up without a girlfirend, I'm gonna spit on myself saying I didn't fight for what I want..


Any help on bi-passing my parents, or should i wait for my independence two years from now, I really have a crush on a girl and I wanna spend sometime with her, the problem is, what if her parents were also close-minded too???




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As a mom, I will say two things: 1) You don't NEED a girlfriend, you NEED an education. 2) I know you won't listen to #1, so I will say that there is a LOT of responsibility in a relationship.


I suggest that you ask to have some friends over (maybe 4 - 6) during an evening when your parents aren't busy. Do this a couple of times over the next few months. Let them meet your friends (one of which is the girl you are interested in). Ease them into getting to know your friends, if they see that she is a good person, they probably won't be so apt to be close-minded. This will also give you opportunities to "read" this girl so you can determine if she likes you.


Eventually, you can ask your parents if you can go out with this girl and they will know who you are talking about.


(Edited to add: If you do things behind their back, when they find out, they will not only be angry, but will view you as deceitful and it will be very difficult to earn their trust.)

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I appreciate this, intellegent and beneficial reply, pointing to my education as number one, still I was thinking of having a girlfriend more as a close friend, you know exactly like a "guy"friend but only it's a girl, you know I can trust her for my secrets and problems, Share my goods and bads, I don't know How I'm going to convince my parents that this is my intention.


I can't Imagine the look on my parents face after the phrase

"I'm going out with someone named sarah " !

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