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living in the past

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my bf well kind of bf thinks that im lying to him all the time when im actually telling the truth!!!we have known each other for a long time and we have always been together and he thinks that he has the right to question me all the time about what i do.he thinks that i cope an attitude with him and he thinks that i am the one who starts the arguements. I admit that i did cheat on him, and lets just say that it was done more than once cuz ppl got involved.I dont know what to do or what to tell that im not lying or cheating because he wont believe me.i dont talk to anybody but him and i told all my friends to piss off cuz i really want this. But when he accuses me all the time is when i get upset what should i say plz help:(

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Are you dating him or not? You say your "kind of b/f". I think you answered your own question as to why he feels insecure and questioning your whereabouts etc. You said you have cheated before so thats why hes acting like that. Its human nature for someone to feel insecure after they feel their trust has been betrayed. I would say if you want things to work out with him, then you will have to continue to proove your faithfulness, and he will have to learn to trust you again. It wont happen over night.







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When you cheat on someone they can't trust what you say and do.. They have to know where you are at all times cause the trust is broken and feel that you will do it again!! The best thing you can do is give him time for you to earn your trust back ...Speaking from expierence when you have been done wrong and cheated on it is hard to trust and have to know the whereabouts till you earn that trust again.. Have you done anything recent to make him beleive that you are cheating again?

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