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Wilt Chamberlains "20,000 different women"

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For those unfamiliar Wilt Chamberlain was a american basketball icon of the 50's to 70's era,the Michael Jordan of the time, so to speak


He wrote a book ( see references at amazon.com)approx 10 years ago claiming that he had slept with " 20,000 different" women. Unfortunately 3 or 4 years back, his aggressive " dating" style led to high stress and he died of a heart attrack.


Point is this, some modern females,including feminists, are trying to assert innate nonmonogamy is probably no different between males and females. Therefore, the argument would flow, women wouldn't neccessarily be attracted to nonmonogamous males (the alleged male evolutionary norm) because women and men probably have approximately the same attitude toward high volume mating


Problem is Wilts 20,000 number appears to have no equal in the female gender, at least among non-whores.Remember Wilt did it for free, and it didn't seem to bother the women that he apparently was highly nonmonogmous


Wilt of course is an extreme case, however, despite some amazing slutty women running around today, I would suggest that women on average are far more monogmous than most males are, either by acts or desire


Thus male nonmonogamy being the evolutionary norm (and most advantageous strategy for most of that time frame) for males, and far less frequent for females - it is logical that women's genes today (seeking to move their genes forward) would be attracted to males tending to engage in this optimal genetic survival behavior

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1. While males have the advantage and ability of being able to spread their genetic material among many females, women are not equipped socially, practically or bilogically to be as active in this regard.


2. It is highly doubtful that Wilt Chamberlain slept with 20,000 women. It makes nice print to sell a book and it makes for an interesting legacy, but unless a man keeps a diary, a personal assistant, or a counter to keep track, most lose track at about 25 if they get that high in their lifetime.


If Wilt did sleep with 20,000 women and if he spent only 15 minutes with each one, meaning little or no getting to know them and practically no foreplay at all, he would have spent at total of about 624 eight-hour days having sex. I don't think so!!!


Secondly, if Wilt had say, 1,000 to 5,000 women, which is a more realistic guess, it is only because he opened himself up to that because of his celebrity status. Certain women are attracted to money, celebrity status, influence, etc. and would be willing to "slut" themselves for 20 minutes of screwing Wilt Chamberlain or some other notable. This ritual has nothing to do with reproduction.


In the evolutionary scheme of things, neither males nor females are nonmonogomous. Monogamy is something that has become a matter of social order in modern times for legal and family structure purposes. Just as there are laws against robbery and murder, it's still done. Even though social order dictates that man and wife or those in committed relations be sexually loyal, many aren't.


It was necessary for the male to be active sexually when the earth was being "replinished" and the population was small and most spent time spreading their genetic material about and obtaining food while pregnant women stayed close to the commune and performed domestic chores.


It may take many evolutionary cycles before the male brain understands that excessive screwing is not necessary. However, as long as sex is pleasurable this may never happen.


Back to Wilt, don't be so gullible. Just because something is in print doesn't make it so. If that were true, I have had 50,000 women so far in my lifetime. Spread that around!

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He wrote a book....claiming that he had slept with" 20,000 different" women. Unfortunately 3 or 4 years back, his aggressive " dating" style led to high stress and he died of a heart attrack.


he probably did die of a heart attack...when he realised his one-eyed pirate had fallen off from too much shagging.


i wonder if amazon has another book..."wilt chamberlain's 2,000 std's".


ewwwwwww....20,000? i somehow don't think so.

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