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Just so you know, no contact is hard for everyone.

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Just today I received an email from a friend. He had contacted the Ex in regards to some work that I have done for her in the past. (Mechanical). He sent her an email last week and she finally replied yesterday and gave nothing less than a glowing reference. (He forwarded me her reply).


For a brief second, I started typing her an email thanking her. Then I thought "What the heck am I doing????"


This is why not receiving information about your ex from friends, hanging out on their myspace page, driving by their house or going to places they hang out is not good. Anytime you are reminded of your Ex is an opporunity for you to lose focus on the end goal, which is being completely healed and not needing them in your life.


So while we all sit here and preach NC, don't think for a minute that it's easy for us as well. The urge is still there for me, but it gets easier every day.


Stick to it. Life gets better, I promise!

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