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Just Hopeless

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Seven months ago I met a man through a friend. I was very attracted to him from the moment I met him. During the first month we saw each other a few times and talked on the phone for a moderate amount of time. Then out of the blue he called me on the 4th of July to tell me his room mate just kicked him out and he had no where to go. So I let him stay at my home untill he could get back on his feet.

During the first month he was affectionate towards me...then after he moved some of his stuff into my home, the effection began to disipate. He only wanted me to perform oral sex on him and he never did anything to recipicate what I did for him. To say the least, all bedroom activities were to his advantage only. He has not had a job since I met him and he only pays for the cable T.V. and the Computer connection (Both of which I could live without). He eats my food, uses my utilities and spends more time in my home than either myself and my children combined. I have become so discusted with myself for letting this go on that I constantly feel nervous and edgy. Im always on the verge of tears. I have asked him to leave on numourous occations but he combates my request by saying that he has nowhere to go and that it is very "low" of me to even demand such a thing. Latley I have come to the conclusion that we are not lovers, room-mates or even friends....So why is it my responsibility to maintain his basic needs? And how do I get a man like this to move out of my home?

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You have no responsibility for this fellow whatsoever.


He's a classic "taker," and the sooner you're rid of him, the better.


You already know that, don't you.


So how do you get rid of him?


"I want you out of my house by (such and such a date). Should you not leave of your own accord, I will have the police forcibly remove you. I will not store any of your stuff. I suggest you start looking for another place immediately."


He will, undoubtedly, plead poverty and use all the classic passive-aggressive techniques that he has at his disposal. He'll try to appeal to your good nature, your emotions, etc. etc.


Have none of it.


Be strong. If not for you, for your kids.

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I agree. His arguments are nothing but manipulative ploys to get you to consider financing his free ride.


Do exactly as poster above says.

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I third that vote - you know what you need to do.


Guess you now know why his last roommate threw him out!

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