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confessional letter- good or bad?

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I broke up with my boyfriend of 2 1/2 yrs just over 3 months ago. We went through some really bad spells - in short he became completly horrible to me, he blanked me, gave me evils whenever he saw me (we share all the same friends and home town so we even inadvertently see each other alot). My friends kept telling me this behaviour was only because he still loved me so much, to cut things short - any trace of emotion i had for him was quickly forgotten by being on the recieving end of all his hatred.

I started seeing someone else and thought things were fine until my ex has decided to have a confessional time with me via instant messenger telling me how he is sory for how he's been acting, he is going to try and be social with me in public etc. This has evoked a whole load of feelings that i thought were forgotten...it is now saturday night, he is out with all of our friends and i stayed in, in an effort for him to have a more enjoyable night out, but i am poised over writing him an e-mail about everything - is this a good idea?

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Don't do it.


Just plain don't.


It will only end up causing you more angst and pain than it's worth. Besides, he's going to feel the need to respond, and before you know it, the whole conversation will degrade into "I said... then you said... then I said..." etc.


So don't respond. Keep NC (no contact) as much as possible.

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