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Aaargh, now its my female friend, any ideas?

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Just wondered if I can get any feedback on a situation that may arise.


I have had a few issues with my gf and a male friend of hers, some may be aware of this.


We are working through it.


I have a few female friends. One of them broke up with her boyfriend over Christmas I think, I do not know any details, and I am not interested to know anything about it at all. It has nothing to do with me.


I have known this woman for a few years. We have never dated, or intimated, or flirted.


She had given me a lift into college for about two months last year. We spent about three hours a day travelling and talking, and nothing else. Talking about college stuff and general bullshyt that I talk about.


I get the feeling now that she is interested, (No I do not have a big head, well not not much). Anyway, I got a few texts from her over Xmas, telling me she was not going to continue college. I texted back asking her if she wanted me to contact any one in the college for her. Thats all, like I would with anyone. I did not show any interest in anything other than college business.


Well I was sitting at home last night waiting for my gf to arrive. Received another text that said "Hows it goin 'Witabix'?" It was 9.00pm on a Friday night.


I found that odd. She has never texted me before on a weekend, and all previous texts have been about travelling times and the like.


I told my gf about the text, she was cool with it, I said I did not reply, which is true. she asked why.


I said because I didn't want to.


But the truth is I am fearful that this woman is 'interested' and I do not want to give her the wrong impression, and I definately do not want my gf to get jealous or worried. She has already asked me a few questions and made a few jokey comments about the lift situation.


So here's the question...


Do I just ignore the woman from now on?


How do I ensure that my gf's mind is completely at ease?


How do I behave in a gentlemanly and honest fashion regarding the whole situation?


I do not want to appear rude, and I do not want my gf to have any concerns. The woman is a nice person and we have had a good laugh and conversations. She is also much younger than me, 17 years younger to be precise.

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Mistaken Identity

I know from experience that after I've broken up with someone, I'm usually looking to replace him real quick. Ha-ha. Well, honestly, that's how I was in the past. I think this girl just needs to feel attractive to a man again. That's you. I believe it'll pass. Just keep your gf informed of every inappropriate move the other girl might make. By the way, you can bring up your gf in every conversation. Girls hate that!!!

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