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2 weeks of NC


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I haven't cried today. Almost, but I didn't.


Last night I remembered a couple of quirks of hers that I found annoying. I don't NEED her in my life.


I am single because I chose to be single. I choose to not be abused by her.


Still, a piece of me is missing. I have a hole in my heart.


But you know the first rule of holes: stop digging.

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keep it up, man. you're doing GREAT. :)


it's going to get a hell of a lot easier really soon.


oh bro you're doing so well!


we've all been there and we're all with you 100 PER CENT.


your strength is inspirational, fooled. you are a shining example of how to do no contact. i can't wait to read your posts of how this keeps getting better and better for you. whoooooooo!!

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I know it's only week 2, but you must keep your firm resolve to never contact your ex again. I was in your boat, and did NC for 4 months straight. In that time I got a straight 4.0 GPA, and met an amazing girl during my winter break.


I was feeling so happy and elated I figured I could finally talk to my ex again. She just had a b-day, which I forgot, and Christmas had passed as well. I figured I'd send her a friendly txt message wishing her a happy b-day and good luck in school. It was a huge and gigantic mistake. We ended up talking the next day, and it was very pleasant. Turns out we are in the same class, so we began talking more and more each day. Old feelings resurfaced, and then I find out that she is seeing someone else. All of a sudden I felt like I was back to square 1, and that terrible longing in my heart returned.


So you see, 4 months of hard work all down the tube in a matter of days. That's all it takes my friend, NC is a powerful tool IF you stick with it 100% of the way through. I've got to start all over again, and let me tell you it sucks. It looks like your doing a great job, and remember to keep reminding yourself of why you are doing NC every now and then to keep your head on straight. Best of luck.

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Thanks for your encouragement. I am maintaining NC for a different reason. There is nothing she could say to me that I will believe. "I love you?" People who love each other don't cheat and lie repeatedly. They don't say it and then go sleep with someone hours after.


I know the guys she's currently with (and believe me - they don't know about each other - they think they're the only one) so it's not going to be a big shock when she shows up at an event with someone else.


I am maintaining NC because even though there are volumes I want to say to her - she's incapable of having an honest conversation.


I did miss her wit and charm and sex appeal tonight something fierce though. It's the first Saturday night at home without her.


But I got through it. And tomorrow is another day.

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