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I Want to have this PROBLEM solved.

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I'm in a new relatinoship with a guy who we know each other off a personals site 3 months ago, and we've been seeing other for almost 2 months. And we both consider this relationship is a serious one, since we both are looking for a serious long-term relationship. We both are very attracted to each other, character-wise, and we both like so much about having a very comfortable feeling toward each other. However, sometimes, I get the feeling of that we both are not that mentally connected. I'm being very careful on the words that use when I talk to him, and sometimes, I'm very sensitive on the comments that he gives to me on whatever stuff. I understand that being in a relationship with a person (either friendship or relationship), accepting other's good and bad comments is a must. But I just don't understand why I'm being so up tight on this toward him. And I admit that I pay excessive attention to details on the way how he reacts to me and when he says something to me. There'd be times that he looks away when we are talking, or he would just muted and "talking" to his mind.


One more detail about this relationship, me and him are in an interracial relationship. He is white and I'm asian. Recently, he told me that he has a bit struggle on dating an asian, since he is not being raised in a very diverse community. I totally understand that, and I told him that not to worry about this would be a barrier between him and me having a relationship. But somehow, sometimes, I see there're some uncertainties from him of seeing me.


I do care so much about this relationship. And all these feelings that I have now scare me (whether I will have a long-lasting relationship with him).

I seriously do need helps on this. THank you.

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