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Strip Clubs: Sexual or Not?


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I am dating a wonderful man who treats me like gold and is constantly telling me how sexy I am. So what's the problem? He and his friends occasionally (2-3 times/year) "hang out" at strip clubs. My boyfriend insists that strip clubs are not sexual. I just do not understand how naked women dancing in your lap can be "just entertainment". It drive me crazy to think of him staring at other women! Does anyone else out there think that strip clubs are not sexual?

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YOU ASK: "Does anyone else out there think that strip clubs are not sexual?"


I've never had sex with a strip club. I always found the doors and windows to be way too large.


Certainly, guys are visually stimulated by the female body if they are normal at all. Actually, two or three visits a year could be a positive thing for your relationship. It also gives you guy some time to bond with his butties in a unique atmosphere.


I don't think it's really too cool for your guy to have strange ladies' butts in his lap but, then again, these clubs have strict rules about dancers not giving out phone numbers and other personal information. As long as you are his number one lap dance partner, I think you are just fine.


There will be a time when he'll grow out of this and you won't have this concern any longer.


A guy who goes to these clubs often could be big problems for you. But if your guy only goes two or three times a year and you are otherwise satisfied with your relationship, go find something else to be upset about. There's no harm here.

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I will give you my opinion since I danced for a whileand probably have a diffrent "viewpoint" working in that industry. First off..it's interesting that your boyfriend has realized that going to a strip club does not necessarily have to be a sexual thing. He's right. There is a variety of different types of customers that walk through the doors, and I will tell you my opinion of what category your boyfriend falls into.


1.) The Regular: Is there either every night, comes alone..or at least a few times a week. Most of the time "the regular" is not there for primarily sexual reasons either. He has "problems" and wants to talk or feel as though he has a personal relationship with only one of the dancers. Or he is total opposite and has a sexual fetish or addiction (But always goes alone and many times a month).


2.) The Bachelor Party Men: Or the men that go maybe twice a year with a large group of buddy's. This is what I believe your boyfriend falls into. These guys are simply celebrating being guys. It is not simply about a "sexual" thing..but more about the atmosphere a "Gentleman's Club" presents. The atmosphere being a total "guy" enviroment..hanging out with their buddy's.., having beers, feeling like macho kings for a few hours, and feeling free to revel in their manhood I suppose. It is not just going for the women..but for the atmosphere, their friends and the whole "shabang". I wouldnt worry.


In my experience worry if; your boyfriend goes once a month or so...or dosent go with a large group of guys, but instead with one friend.


(the guys in two's always seem to try to pick up the dancers, or seem to be there for sexual reasons"..in my experience)


Good Luck to You,


It sounds as though your boyfriend is being honest.

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