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I think my BF cheated on me!!!

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I have been dating this kid for 4 mths now. He has been real weird the last 2 weeks. well I didnt talk to him for a week n found out that he took a girl out to eat !! I later found out that this girl moved in with him. When i seen him n asked him what was up he said he wasnt with her n they didnt do any thing she was just n old friend that had no where to go. So i went right to her n asked n she really is from washingtion and she is n old friend n when i asked if they did anything she looked like she didnt understand like i was stupid that they was only friends. He said he was sorry n said he loved me like 500 times n that he didnt know what to do that i would take it the wrong way another girl movin in his house! he said its all up to me n he will do anything to go back to us. i wanna belive it but i just dont know !!! n if i do take him back its gonne take a lot to gain trust n to belive that he actually didnt mean it n that he actually cares! plz help what should i do? ? ? ? ?:(

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Omg...seriously If That Was My Bf Oh Hel No! First Of All She Could Move Anywhere Else First Off He Has A Gf And Has No Business Having Some Girl Live W/ Him...just Tell Him Have Fun W/ Her U Whore And Say Goodbye Please Girl Ur Blind And Run Now!!!!!! Please For Every Girl W/ Some Dignity Please!

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