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The Best Break Up Movie EVER!!!


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After my post the other night, I admit, I hit a bit of a snag in my "I'm moving on" chapter. But intent on having a good time, my friends and I had ourselves a sort of sleep over type thing. Just a bunch of girls drinking margaritas and painting our toenails,etc. After a cool swim, we went back to the house and watched the funniest break up movie ever! Anyone ever see Better Off Dead? With John Cusack? I loved it!!! I had never seen it before but I thought it was insanely hillarious and it really made me laugh, something I really needed. I liked it so much I went out and bought it. It's not a cure but if you're feeling a little bit down, it really helped me to laugh and loosen up a bit. Sometimes it's the little things that we do to pass the time that helps!


See Also: Weekend At Bernie's, not exactly a break up movie but a funny one to watch to get your mind off stuff and blow off a little bit of steam.



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hi marz,


another great break-up movie is 'bridget jones's diary'. i'm sure many of us can relate to that one! the books are even better than the movie (as usual).


a really good break-up book that had me in stitches is "zigzag street" by nick earls. i don't know if it's available in the u.s. because it's by an australian author who i don't think is well-known overseas. but if you can get your hands on it, it's a great read with some hilarious moments in it.



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Oooooh yeah! I haven't read that one but I've heard about it. Bridget Jones' diary, I'm actually reading that one right now and having an amazing time doing so! Also have you read the second installment of that one? Bridge Jones' the edge of reason? It's also great! Unfortunately I started reading that one before starting on the original bridge jones' diary and I had to put it down. But what I had read of it so far was fantastic! Thanks for the suggestion, I will be looking for 'zig zag street'! I also can't wait to see Bridget Jones' diary the movie but I wanted to finish the book first. It's just been such a fantastic read that I am almost trying to read it slow so that I can enjoy it longer!





hi marz, another great break-up movie is 'bridget jones's diary'. i'm sure many of us can relate to that one! the books are even better than the movie (as usual). a really good break-up book that had me in stitches is "zigzag street" by nick earls. i don't know if it's available in the u.s. because it's by an australian author who i don't think is well-known overseas. but if you can get your hands on it, it's a great read with some hilarious moments in it. :)
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there was this one particular part in "edge of reason" that had me falling all over the place...i won't tell you what it was in case you never read that bit. all i will say is i would hate to rock up to meet someone in that state!!


mm :)

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YOU WROTE: "See Also: Weekend At Bernie's"


A very close actress friend of mine, Catherine Parks, was in that movie. Yes, it was good.


Her part called for her to smoke during certain scenes. She had previously been a non-smoker but after production she continued to smoke.


I hate to be around people who are smoking.


Break up movies just make me break up!!!

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Hey Marzipan,


I can't tell you how much I continue to be impressed at how well you're keeping your head up after your break-up. Well done! I'm sorry you find yourself feeling a bit stuck about moving on. I am too, but you are quite the inspiration!


As far as break up movies go: in my experience the best way to forget one's woes is to watch stuff that has nothing to do with love & relationships. I just saw Rush Hour 2 -- not Jackie Chan's best 'cause the poor man is just getting too old to do amazing non-stop acrobatic fight scenes -- but it was amusing enough and offered a couple of hours of escapist fun during which time not one thought of my ex invaded my head. I'm not into gory or violent films (J. Chan is really much more comedic than violent) but these days I avoid "chick flicks" like the plague.


I'll bet you're much further along on the road to recovery than you even realize. You're growing and getting stronger everyday and in this forum you always come across as kind and concerned, not so wrapped up in your own unhappiness that you have nothing to offer others. That says a lot I think.



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Hey Midori,


Thank you sooo much! I really appreciate your thoughts and your kind words. I try to remain positive, even though I don't always feel that way. Sometimes It has felt like the world was going to come crashing down and then the next minute it doesn't! What do ya know? Honestly, I don't know what spurs me on more, everyone who has been so nice to me because they can understand what I'm going through or perhaps it's to try and rise above all the stink of what's happened in my life the past two months! Talking to you and the other people in here made me realize that my life wasn't over and that I'm not the first person to get my heart broken. I must say that any time I have talked to you, you have been nothing but nice and encouraging yourself so you should give yourself a big pat on the back for that.


Like you, I avoid the chick flicks like the plague as well.


When I first broke up, anything romantic made me want to die, love songs too! I still can't listen to the radio in my car so now I rely on cds and downloading mp3s to make my own mixes of "non-sappy" music. Right now I just feel lucky and I know I still have a long way to go before I can say I'm completely over things but I try not to think about it too much. It's nice to hear you say that you think I'm an inspiration however I think you are one as well.


Oh yeah, I just saw Legally Blonde (Highly recommend!) yeah, it's a bit "chick flick" but it's not really that romantic and it's hillarioius, especially for anyone who's been in a break up. The book is pretty funny too but I'd do the movie before the book.


By the way, have you read Bridget Jones's Diary? It's hillarious! I completely related to it and had a great time laughing out loud when I read it. Give it a try, i'm starting on the second book and it's pretty awesome too.


I hope you are doing well and that you will keep posting to let me know how you are doing. Thanks again for the vote of confidence, you really made my day!



Hey Marzipan, I can't tell you how much I continue to be impressed at how well you're keeping your head up after your break-up. Well done! I'm sorry you find yourself feeling a bit stuck about moving on. I am too, but you are quite the inspiration!


As far as break up movies go: in my experience the best way to forget one's woes is to watch stuff that has nothing to do with love & relationships. I just saw Rush Hour 2 -- not Jackie Chan's best 'cause the poor man is just getting too old to do amazing non-stop acrobatic fight scenes -- but it was amusing enough and offered a couple of hours of escapist fun during which time not one thought of my ex invaded my head. I'm not into gory or violent films (J. Chan is really much more comedic than violent) but these days I avoid "chick flicks" like the plague.


I'll bet you're much further along on the road to recovery than you even realize. You're growing and getting stronger everyday and in this forum you always come across as kind and concerned, not so wrapped up in your own unhappiness that you have nothing to offer others. That says a lot I think. -midori

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Anytime Marzipan. I've been thinking about posting an update about where I am and seeking further advice here -- but I need to figure out where I am first. I'm heading out of town for a few days and when I get back I'll try to distill the thoughts that have been swirling around in my head into something coherent 'cause I'd love to get your advice and others'.



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