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jealous of boyfriend's ex, who is my former sister-in-law

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I had an affair with my husband's sister's husband. We fell in love and both got a divorce. We have a wonderful relationship. I have two children from my ex-husband, and he has one child from his ex-wife. We have talked about marriage in the future. I cannot get over my jealousy of his ex-wife. He was still having sex with her while he was having sex with me. I know I should not feel this way and I feel bad for his ex-wife, but I can still remember him kissing her and cuddling and it is driving me crazy. It is possible that we may never share a child together and I want to share a child with the man I will be spending the rest of my life with. She has his cell phone number and calls him unnecessarily. She stops by his office while he is at work. She purposely tries to start problems, which I do not blame her. He defends his ex-wife and talks about her positively. When we began the affair he was not planning on leaving his relationship, which makes no sense to me. She is a wonderful person and he has never really said anything negative about her. How do I get over my jealousy of his ex-wife? Please help!

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