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I am constantly searching

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I have a girlfriend with whom I have been fr almost year and a half. It seems things are working out with us, but lately I have noticed that whenever I'm around females, whether consciously or subconsciously I am trying to impress them as if I was single and was trying to gain their acceptance and liking. I look at good looking women on subway, in parks, I can't help to notice women's nice bodies on the beach and sometimes I even fantasize about having sex with them. When we are together I try to avoid it, but whenever I am with my buddies, we constantly make comments and a few times I even tried to pick up a girl in a bar. I do not know what might have happened had I been successful, but in both cases I was shut down. But then again I was thinking I just wanted to see if I could pick them up, sort of a challenge game.


I am only 24 years old, and have not had many girlfriends, only 2 actually. Could it be the reason for my odd behavior?


I am also being very hypocritical, If I found out that m girlfriend is liking guys and makes comments or them or even worse, tries to hook up with them, I would probably dump her, but for some reason, it does not sound as horrible when I am doing it. I care for her very much, but I always try to imagine myself with this or that girl, be it at my work place, or outside. I look at other women's legs, sking, hair, and I find certain things I like, that my girl friend does not have. Now, she is a good looking woman, but still. Could it be that I am not as excited by her as I used to. Maybe I am just simply looking for something new, that looks, tastes, sounds, smells and feels different.... Well, you got the point


any suggestions?

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I strongly suggest you break up with your girlfriend, for the good of both of you, and you spend some time as a free, single guy going after everything in skirts. You are NOT ready for a relationship with one lady.


It's pretty natural for a guy your age to be attracted to lots of women but most who are in relationships that are satisfactory use self-control.


You shouldn't have to fight these urges you are having to be with other women. Free yourself for this exploration. It will be the very best favor you could do for both you and your current girlfriend. She deserves someone who feels she is lots more attractive and special.


And you deserve to spend this time on the prowl.

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well, i guess that it's perfectly normal for you to still think other girls are cute and stuff as long as you don't do something about it. but, if you are constantly wishing that you could be with someone else then maybe you need to reconsider your feelings for your current girlfriend. you're not doing her any favors by staying in this relationship if you don't want to be in it, you'd just be wasting her time. so if you think that you're not satisfied by your girlfriend then tell her that you need a break, but try not to tell her the part about liking and fantasizing about other women, there would just be no point in that.


good luck, i hope things work out.

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