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pregnant and confused need help

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i'm pregnant and the guy wants me to have an abortion. my dilemma is that i believed that we both acted irresponsible and abortion is not the answer. financially it would hurt me but i'm willing to take on that responsiblity. the guy is adamant he doesn't want anymore children period. we both are single parents. my youngest is nine his youngest is 12. is it fair to bring a child into this world without a father? knowing that this man doesn't want this pregnancy and refuses to acknowledge or assist finacially if i choose to have it. i feel that god doesn't give you anything you can't handle but he also gave you a brain to choose to do the right thing. pls help me

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A man CANNOT tell you to have an abortion. I don't give a damn how much he doesn't want to have a child right now. There would not be a child inside you right now if he had not deposited his sperm inside of you. Therefore, this child is as much his responsibility as yours. If you choose to have this child, then it's his responsibility to support you and this child.


If he tells you he will have no involvement with you or the child if you have it, then you need to take that into account. If your heart and soul are telling you to have this child, then by all means make the decision that is right for you. There are many strong adults out there in this world that were raised by single mothers. The reason they are such strong individuals is because they have strong mothers. It's a decision you need to make for yourself. And for gosh sakes, take him to court if you have to...these dead beat dads need to pay.


I hope you realize that this man that has fathered the child inside of you is not worth one single piece of dog CRAP. I hope you take him to court, and I also hope you never let him near your vagina again. He doesn't need to be near any vaginas for the rest of his life.

i'm pregnant and the guy wants me to have an abortion. my dilemma is that i believed that we both acted irresponsible and abortion is not the answer. financially it would hurt me but i'm willing to take on that responsiblity. the guy is adamant he doesn't want anymore children period. we both are single parents. my youngest is nine his youngest is 12. is it fair to bring a child into this world without a father? knowing that this man doesn't want this pregnancy and refuses to acknowledge or assist finacially if i choose to have it. i feel that god doesn't give you anything you can't handle but he also gave you a brain to choose to do the right thing. pls help me
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This is a serious issue that you and you alone must decide based on your religious, moral and practical feelings about this entire matter. The decision to terminate a pregnancy should not be made considering advice given by anonymous people on the Internet.


It may be well for you to talk this over with a trusted family member, a counsellor, or member of the clergy if you are at all religious, or with anyone whose counsel you trust. However, no matter what the input the ultimate decision is yours.


If you decide to get an abortion, you may need to seek the advice of an attorney to be sure you have documented the wishes of the father if that is required to cover yourself civilly in your area.


Many children come into this world without a father around and in my opinion most are better off that way if the father didn't want them. No child needs to feel unwanted. You have to decide for yourself, all other things considered, if you want to take on the responsibility of a new child and all that goes with it.


This is really something that should be discussed by every couple before they have sex, whether or not condoms or other birth control is used. Accidents do happen and they are far more difficult to deal with than most.


It's so odd how so many millions of people have sex every day without even thinking for a second that this is what people do to have babies.

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