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"Morning after" question


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This might be a little weird, but I just have a small question to ask. I don't know which ones of my guy friends would be comfortable answering this, so I was hoping more people would be willing to talk to me about what I'm wondering about. Well, it's like this:


My boyfriend just let it slip today that he had masturbated one morning even after we just had sex before we went to sleep. He also says that this isn't uncommon...that he's done this same thing before. I have to admit that I was kinda upset, or at least a little surprised at finding this little fact out. I suppose I feel that if I was satisfying him, he wouldn't be waking up and masturbating immediately. Is this normal, and I just didn't know about this?


When I told him how I felt about it, he immediately started yelling at me about how it had nothing to do with him and that it was my problem to deal with. I don't know if it was wrong for me to tell him that I felt like I wasn't satisfying him and that I felt a bit sad because of that.

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He shouldn't have yelled at you, but he's right, it has nothing to do with you & the level of satisfaction he gets from you.


Morning erections are pretty common with us blokes, even when we've had sex the night before.

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Hell honey... if you fancy a tug or a little diy in the morning then why on earth shouldn't you?!


I've done it when I had sex with my bf the night before. I fancied it again in the morning and he didn't have time...! Nothing what so ever to do with not being satisfied.


If you were there and available and he still chose to do it himself, then maybe you'd have an issue!


But we all have our own sex drives and having a partner doesn't mean we can't still enjoy ourselves? :)

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I swear, my BF could have sex morning, noon and night......but frankly, I sometimes don't have the time!


He may 'take care of himself' just to release the er....tension...sometimes.



It's perfectly natural. Guys (and some women...cough...) do it all the time.

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As for jerking off right after sex, that's simple. Assuming he orgasmed during sex with you, if he was still horny after that, in all likelihood the afterglow of the sex continued to turn him on and he got horny again thinking about it. This happens to me very often. If I were you I'd thank my lucky stars that he can rebound like that, and make the most of it by having sex as many times as he can pop a boner in one night.

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Angelicis, is it the fact that he had a wee pull on himself, or the fact that he barked at you about it that's causing such angst?

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He shouldn't have yelled at you but i can see where you felt like you didn't satisfy him enough!! Some men still horny after sex and could go again maybe that was the case still in the morning.. Maybe you can suggest that if this happen again he was to wake you if he was horny in the morning ..

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I think the chances are there is absolutely nothing weird going on here, and this is absolutely normal and there is nothing to worry about at all.


Having said that, there is the small chance this could be the symptom of some sort of sexual dysfunctionality manifesting itself. I say this out of personal experience.


I have been in relationships where sex has become emotionally complicated for me with my partner (I know I'm a guy and I'm not supposed to have feelings like this ... oh well), and masturbating is emotionally easier and simpler.


There is also the possibility of some strange sexual power struggle going on. I can remember times when I masturbated for the express purpose of "throttling" my sex drive, because I was upset with my partner and I wanted to deny them sex.


Likewise, I have had partners that have been finicky and picky about sex and when we have it, and I have turned to masturbation simply to take matters into my own hands ... to reclaim my sexuality if you will.


So, as you see, it is possible something more complicated could be going on here.


The thing to do is to talk to each other about it. Tell him you care about him so much you want sex to be a very open and positive thing between the two of you ... so you are naturally just a tad concerned. If everything seems normal and healthy, don't worry about it. Maybe you could request he wakes you up next time, so you can watch or stroke his chest or something while he plays with himself.

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