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I and my girl have been having unprotected sex, withdrawal method, I am extra careful and always withdraw before I ejaculate. Now, I am still afraid to get her pregnant, but none of us want to use it, and she does not want to take pills for health reasons. What are the chances of getting pregnant? are they higher than with using a condom? Because I know condoms can break....


This has been continuing for 3 months now

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You are taking a HUGE RISK by having sex without using any kind of protection.


There are many ways to reduce the possibility of an unwanted or unintended pregnancy. I don't have the experience or knowledge to advise you or your girlfriend about this.


The best thing would be for you and your girlfriend to get this information from a healthcare professional. I would suggest you make an appointment, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, to see a family physician or gynecologist.


Every time you have sex with your girlfriend, you are taking a HUGE RISK of her getting pregnant. Are you ready to become a parent? Is she ready to become a parent? If not, you need to do something immediately.

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You say that neither of you want to use protection. So does that mean you wouldn't mind being parents? Because that's what's going to happen if you continue with this. The withdrawal method is NOT a form of birth control...precum contains millions of sperm and this is what you release into her before you're even near ejaculation. Using a condom however, IS a form of birth control, even if it does break due to human error.


And another question. How can you be sure you haven't caught an STD from this woman, or HIV, etc? Or that you've given her an STD, HIV? Participating in unprotected sex has MAJOR consequences, and this is why everyone preaches so strongly against it. You say she doesn't go on the pill for health reasons. Well I'd be much more worried about my health if I was participating in unprotected sex.


The pill can have huge benefits. Periods can be much lighter, with less cramps...the Pill can even help clear up acne now. If she's worried about the side effects, those go away within the first month usually, if they even show up at all.


I and my girl have been having unprotected sex, withdrawal method, I am extra careful and always withdraw before I ejaculate. Now, I am still afraid to get her pregnant, but none of us want to use it, and she does not want to take pills for health reasons. What are the chances of getting pregnant? are they higher than with using a condom? Because I know condoms can break....


This has been continuing for 3 months now

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She has had unprotected sex before me, all her life, for like 4 years. I know that she is clean and I am clean. Could it be that this girl simply does not get pregnant very easily - having unprotected sex for 4 years and not getting pregnant, there must be a very low chance of this happening, am I right???

You say that neither of you want to use protection. So does that mean you wouldn't mind being parents? Because that's what's going to happen if you continue with this. The withdrawal method is NOT a form of birth control...precum contains millions of sperm and this is what you release into her before you're even near ejaculation. Using a condom however, IS a form of birth control, even if it does break due to human error. And another question. How can you be sure you haven't caught an STD from this woman, or HIV, etc? Or that you've given her an STD, HIV? Participating in unprotected sex has MAJOR consequences, and this is why everyone preaches so strongly against it. You say she doesn't go on the pill for health reasons. Well I'd be much more worried about my health if I was participating in unprotected sex. The pill can have huge benefits. Periods can be much lighter, with less cramps...the Pill can even help clear up acne now. If she's worried about the side effects, those go away within the first month usually, if they even show up at all.


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Oh that's great!! Well good for her! A real smart one you have there! Aren't you a little bit worried about where she's been? Oh well, it's your potential life you might be ruining.


To answer your question. It's possible that she'll never be able to have kids. A lot of women these days seem to have a hard time conceiving kids...which is why so many of them resort to in-vetro fertilization. You never know, something could be internally wrong with her. But the only way she'll ever know that is if she goes to visit her doctor.


And if I were you, I wouldn't be wiping my brow, saying "Wheew, that must be why she hasn't gotten pregnant yet...because she can't!"...and just continuing to skip merrily along your way. For all you know, she might call you up tomorrow to tell you that, SURPRISE, you're going to be a daddy! Are you ready for that?


She has had unprotected sex before me, all her life, for like 4 years. I know that she is clean and I am clean. Could it be that this girl simply does not get pregnant very easily - having unprotected sex for 4 years and not getting pregnant, there must be a very low chance of this happening, am I right???
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The withdrawl method is not birthcontrol. If pregnancy is your top concern, there are alternative methods to preventing pregnancy. A healthcare professional would be best suited to answer your concerns as well as your gf's. I'm not sure what her "health reasons" are - if it is side effects from birth control, many of them are never experienced, moderately experienced, or experienced just in the first one to two months of using birthcontrol. Now, the more disturbing thing about your situation is STD's. If you are sure that both of your are clean - I guess I can't argue with not using a condom. I would get tested to be absolutely sure - until you know, use something!!! This woman sounds like she has had risky exposure in the past by having unprotected sex. I'd be sweating heavily about having some sort of STD if I were both of you.


I and my girl have been having unprotected sex, withdrawal method, I am extra careful and always withdraw before I ejaculate. Now, I am still afraid to get her pregnant, but none of us want to use it, and she does not want to take pills for health reasons. What are the chances of getting pregnant? are they higher than with using a condom? Because I know condoms can break....


This has been continuing for 3 months now

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