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Girls are evil

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They claim to love you then rip your heart out. I think I'm giving up on girls. They say it is better to love and lost than to never of loved at all, but thats not true, because losing love hurts too much. Why are girls so cruel? i think I'm going to turn gay. Only problem is I'm not attracted to guys.....but damn at least they wont break my heart. I dont think anyone on this board can give me a good reason to still believe in love with girls, all they do is lie.

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No, I'm not going to tell you that you're too young to know what love is. I loved someone when I was 16, and I agree that age has nothing to do with love.


I do, however, think you're old enough to realize you have your whole life ahead of you. Everyone has bad relationships, that's just how it goes. But if you put the mentality in your head now, that all women are evil, you will never find yourself in a respectable relationship again.


How many actual relationships have you had anyways? And another thing you gotta realize, not every girl you run across at your age is going to be falling madly in love with you and want to commit her life to you. Young girls are wishy-washy. One day they like Joe, and the next they like Mike. It's just the way it is.


You'll find THE ONE someday. But it might take awhile. And you'll definitely have to lose the attitude problem.

16.....ha......right now is the time where you're supposed to tell me I'm too young to know what love is right? Age has nothing to do which love, I know from experience.
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I read that you are only 16 and Daisy's response to your position on love. I would tend to say that you are young, however, I am in no position to say what and what you have experienced in your life. I have to agree, you have your whole life ahead of you and to totally give up on something at any time (especially at age 16) is somewhat ridiculous. My uncle found his first love at age 51. He had women that he dated, used him for his money and position - he was in a fairly substantial supervisory position with one of the "Big 3". Found her, loved her, married her, and loved her children. Yes, you are indeed special to find love. If you love someone that cannot and/or will not love you, then it is not the right person. Perhaps that person brought out something in you that made you feel special, resulting in a loving feeling. If that is the case with your experiences, bravo for you!!! If the girls that you have "loved" have lied to you and purposely hurt you - there is something wrong with them! Bravo that you found that out before it got more serious than feeling in love. Mature with yourself and your experiences and find a mature girl (remember, maturity doesn't necessarily come with age either!). A mature girl will not lie or hurt you. She may not necessarily feel the way you feel - she will not lie or hurt you. Don't give up - and good luck! They claim to love you then rip your heart out. I think I'm giving up on girls. They say it is better to love and lost than to never of loved at all, but thats not true, because losing love hurts too much. Why are girls so cruel? i think I'm going to turn gay. Only problem is I'm not attracted to guys.....but damn at least they wont break my heart. I dont think anyone on this board can give me a good reason to still believe in love with girls, all they do is lie.
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Women seem to be evil if they are not sure of what they want. Most girls claim to love you because they believe they do. Thus making it impossible to tell if what you share is genuine or not. Please don't turn gay. My advice is to look for signs of a need for something you can't or don't want to offer. If you see such signs, be the first to suggest calling it off. If she really loves you, she'll make sure you know what is really important to her.

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