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A man charged with pad locking children in home while he went to store..

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What is wrong with people that they can't take their kids with them when they go somewhere? A man pad locked his 2 and 3 yr old in a house while he went to the store!! A church member came by to talk with them and seen that the door was pad locked and seen finger poking out of the blinds and called 911 ..The dad went to the store and left these children pad locked in the house while he went what is this world coming to!! WTF

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Dayumm hard to say why he did that. Could be just as sorry lazy a$$ and didn't want to drag his kids out. Maybe he wasn't even going to the store, maybe he went to do something illegal. Maybe a drug deal/run. Or to meet someone for a quickie, or maybe he was high, who knows. Hopefully the police will get to the bottom of it.






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hmmm. it's a damned irresponsible thing to do, but then some people are a few sandwiches short of a picnic.


he probably thought he was being a good parent - making sure they couldn't get out and run under a bus.

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