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Girl I love just broke up with her boyfriend! *Longish rant*

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Ok here's the deal. I haven been in love with this girl since October and at the time she was going out with a boy from her High School. They'd been going out for the last two years but from what I saw of them together he treated her like crap and it made me really angry. Me and Emma are very close friends and she's one of those really special people to me and I hate to see her upset or down in the dumps. I can tell she likes me back by, maybe not a strongly as I feel for her, but I know she likes me back. Mainly because she starts to flirt with me strongly and likes me to pay attention to her. It's funny really, we bring out a side in each other which we don't show to other people (we both actually said this to each other).


Now, on Sunday I was talking to her on msn and asked how was the party she went to on Saturday. Her replie was "Yeah it was good but I got rather depressed towards the end of it." I had a feeling that it was to do with her bf so I said "wanna let us in or is it none of my business?" She told me that her and her bf both decided to break up and try to be just friends.


She was a bit quiet when I was talking to her on Teamspeak yesterday but today at college it was as though nothing much had really happened. I always make her laugh and smile so thats just what I did today so she wouldn't feel bad and she seemed so happy. Even talking to her on msn today she seems fine, but you don't just get out a two year relationship and everything is just great the next day. So I'm going to give it time before I say anything to her about us and how I feel about her.


I am from the UK and because of my Media course at college I'm getting the chance to go to New York from the 1st March-6th March and Emma is going to. I thought I might use this trip to get to know her even better and show her a good time and make her forget about all the crap she's been going through at home and with her bf and so on.


Thanks for reading and thanks in advance for any helpful advise!

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yeah, i'm not quite sure what your question is.


you want to know why she's not more cut up about the breakup guy?


or you want to know if she likes you?


or you want to know if we think the two are the same thing? :)


my observation from reading your post is that love is like a baby. it takes two to create it. so you're not in love with her. you just like her. a huge difference.


secondly, you say that getting out of a two-year relationship is hard and she's not going to be okay straight away, then you say you're planning to make a move on her in five weeks' time. okay, you didn't say it in those words, you said 'show her a good time', but it's the same thing.


my observation is that this would be too soon.

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Sorry if I didn't make things clear but when i said I'd 'show her a good time' I didn't mean anything as in I'd make a move on her etc, but mearly to give her feel happy and have fun. Oh and the question I was looking for is how long should I really give it till I comfront her about how I feel about her?

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