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Ideas about how to delay decision on an offer

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Hello, I am in a bit of strange situation so would like to have some expert opinion about this.


I have an offer already from a small company for a position. But I am presently also interviewing with a big company for a very specialized positon. Now because this position with the big company is specialized, they are talking a lot of time interviewing a whole queue of candidates, I for instance have already had 6 interviews and have another last one to go with their senior. The problem is that the first offer ( that I already have form the small company) was given to me last week, so it's already around 5 days since I had that. In theory, I would be happier to go for the one I am still interviewing for.


Given my situation, what can I tell the small company about why I am delaying my decision? I thought of some stupid things like " I am on a vacation" but that is silly because it should not prevent me from telling them a yes or no!!


I am new to this so I would really appreciate if anyone of you could give me any ideas.

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Hey O,


Is there a deadline by which you have to communicate your decision to the small company that hired you already?


If there is, then I guess you can prolong it as much as possible. Now, it would be very unethical of you to accept the position and then quit it, given that you got your desired job. Believe it or not, people do it. They take the job as a back up plan, and then if a more desired firm hired them, they simply notify their boss that they are quitting. It is unethical because you join the small firm with the intention of quitting, given a chance. So the company suffers, because they have to go through a new recruting process, and some other candidate might suffer as well.


It also depends where you live. Right now, it is very difficult to get a jon, since the economy is in a bad shape. I live in NYC, and if I was interviewing and got a job, I probably would not wait for the outome of other interviews. But if you are currently employed and you can afford to pdecline the offer, then wait for a more suitable position that might come by later on.


Hello, I am in a bit of strange situation so would like to have some expert opinion about this. I have an offer already from a small company for a position. But I am presently also interviewing with a big company for a very specialized positon. Now because this position with the big company is specialized, they are talking a lot of time interviewing a whole queue of candidates, I for instance have already had 6 interviews and have another last one to go with their senior. The problem is that the first offer ( that I already have form the small company) was given to me last week, so it's already around 5 days since I had that. In theory, I would be happier to go for the one I am still interviewing for. Given my situation, what can I tell the small company about why I am delaying my decision? I thought of some stupid things like " I am on a vacation" but that is silly because it should not prevent me from telling them a yes or no!! I am new to this so I would really appreciate if anyone of you could give me any ideas.
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I promise you, the smaller company has been down this road before with other people and they already know you are jerking them around. They well know you are waiting for some better offer. Just because they may be smaller doesn't mean they're stupid.


I'm in the business world and I see this happening all the time so that's how I know they know.


So now you know they know. You can take a chance and go for the big job or you can accept the other job now.


My feeling is the smaller company has most likely already contacted somebody else for the job so you need not worry. Anybody who takes more than a few days to accept an offer is obviously not interested. I wouldn't hire somebody who was jerking me around and taking so long to make a decision.


So there, go for the job you really want. If you don't get it, there are thousands more out there. Even in a bad economy, if you have a burning desire, you can do anything you want.


Just don't think you are pulling something over on people. Personnel departments have this all figured out way ahead of time. They know just what you're doing.


If ultimately you don't get your dream job, start your own company and give yourself the job you want. Bill Gates did it...so can you.

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