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I may never see her again...

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Hi all,


ok, normally I wouldn't do anything like this, but since I'm 5000 miles away from my friends, and this thing has got me so bummed out, I think I'll take all the advice I can get. I don't rightly know where to start this, but I'll just begin typing.


About nine months ago I met a nice girl at my university. We talked casually a few times, I helped her with some things for a class, no big deal. We e-mailed a bit in the second part of the year, and I just liked her. In september, I broke up with my girlfriend, after a little more than 3 years (we're still like best friends, I suspect it was a breakup most people envy a bit). So, after falling in (and back out of) love with a "rebound girl" (she just didn't turn out to be who I thought she was), I turned my attention to this girl I met nine months ago. I fell for her in a big way. We talked some more and stuff, but I'm very anxious to try anything more (my last relationship was a matter of fact my only one).


For the moment, I'm in the USA as an exchange student (been here almost three weeks now, from Europe), so I e-mailed her that I would leave soon. She got back to me, and we talked for like 2,3 hours at the university two days before I left. The problem is, when I get back in May, she might have graduated (she is 24, I'm 21), and have a job abroad or something. When we talked, I knew this, so secretly I was praying to hear something from her that would convince me that we would never get along on another level. But everything she said just made it worse for me, everything she did was the stuff that other girls never do, the records they don't listen to (I don't like what the majority of girls, and guys for that matter, do all their life, I think there's a lot of superficiality)(sorry if that isn't a word :) ). She leads exactly the life I'm trying to get to. Whenever I fell in love before in my life, I always saw one potential back-up girl, something that assured me not everything would be lost. For the first time ever, I don't see one, it's like she raised the bar to a whole new level, a level that just isn't reached as much (I know this might sound like anybody in love would say, but I notice the difference within myself). In the nine months I've known het, she has never mentioned a boyfriend in any way. I totally don't know what to do with it, and I'm scared I might do anything wrong. I really want this one to work, but my friends aren't here to support me or anything should anything bad happen in this problem. Maybe I should invite her to go on a backpacking trip for spring break ;-).


Anyway, thanks for reading, if I forgot some info, just ask, I'll fill in the blanks.

Thanks in advance

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Sounds like she likes you, too. Definitely ask her to spend spring break with you. If she rejects, then at least you know where you stand. And if she accepts, then use the time with her wisely. Let her know how you feel about her, verbally and otherwise. Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I'd like to ask her, but the thing is, probably her budget (and time, after all, she is trying to graduate) won't allow it. But I was thinking, as a first step, could I have something anonymously delivered on Valentine's (I've never done anything on that day, but just to stir up some controversy)? Any other suggestions, someone? I'm still too freaked out, that if I talk to her, I'll end up feeling miserable, and without my usual support system, that might not be very good.


Thanks a lot!

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