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Why are men so difficult and confusing


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Hi I am seriously not understanding men why is it that some of you are so confusing? Well, ok this is my story me and my men have been going out for 6 months I love him a lot and I know he loves me too. But why is it that guys don't want to talk to us all the time I mean I am not trying to sound conceded but like a lot of guys want me and I am the prettiest girl he has ever been with and will ever bee with he always tells me that.


He knows that a lot of guys like me he knows that all my friends are trying to get with me but he is acting dumb now. Like I mean first when we got together, he used to tell me sweet things all the time he was so sweet he still does it but sometimes I want him to say something sweet and I tell him I be like baby say something sweet and tell me how much you care I need it now, and all he says is Hun don't tell me what to do I don't like that. I mean what the hell if he loves me he should do that.


And also last time he went out he told me he was going to call me at 3 he did not call me that day he come on the next day I was on the computer and I was kinda mad and I was like where the F*c* where you (I know that was wrong) and he got mad but didn't tell me. So like 1 week ago I was talking to him on the phone and like oh by the way I cant talk to him as much until the 21st cuz his phone is not working so he goes to his friends house like 2 times per week or so.


SO when I was talking to him he was like Hun I think you are acting desperate sometimes you act like you are not ever going to talk to me again or something like that and said I act immature and demanding I didn't say anything I was like ok. I mean is it demanding if I want him to talk to me when I tell him to no. If he would love me he would probably want to talk to me as much as I want to talk to him.


I do so much for him like I wake up early in the morning so I can be with him he never woke up early for me. I sit there and write him when he writes me he writes me like just like 5 sentences and I write so much.


And like he gets mad if I ask him where the hell he was at.And oh like on frieday i wrote him and i was like I have to tell him something important so he should come online so i can talk to him or go to his cousins house so i can call ,he wrote me back and was like ok well write me back and i will try to be online as soon as i get the chance to.Ok well that was on frieday today is tuesday he has not even read the mail yet that i sent him back i mean how rude is that if someone says they have something important to tell you and he doesnt even come and read it i am getting kinda mad now. Why is he doing that do you think I am demanding I know I am kinda demanding and I want to change cuz I love him but isn't this mormal.


How much time do you guys need by yourself like away from your girl just doing what you have to d should I understand if he says he is going to talk to me but then calls me the next day? Or am I right and he doesn't love me by doing all that? Thanx in advance for reading this and god bless

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First of all, it ain't all about how good looking you are honey. And when you tell a guy what you told this guy: "a lot of guys want me and I am the prettiest girl he has ever been with and will ever bee with" - that's called being conceited, whether you think so or not. So that right there is Turnoff #1.


And Turnoff #2 is, you guessed it, being demanding. Guys hate that. It's a little worse than nagging, but falls in the same category. You think that you can TELL a guy to call you at so-and-so time, and he'll happily oblige? Not quite. Try asking next time. That and try not to say stuff like "where the F*c* where you". That doesn't help you much either.


Next time you go wondering why this guy isn't following you around with puppy dog eyes, think about that. And another thing...would you be madly in love with a guy that thought he was the #####, that told you that every girl he comes into contact with has the hots for him, and that demands you ditch all of your friends for him? Answer that one for me.


This guy OBVIOUSLY is not into you anymore. He's avoiding you and won't talk to you. And I sure don't blame him.

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You really know how to get yourself worked up. You seem to be a real demand machine.


Human beings are not on this planet to meet your demands and expectations. Sure, it would be nice if people did what they say and when they said they were going to do it but things have changed from the old days and you are very much a part of the generation many members of which do not keep their word or have consideration.


If you want to get on in this world with any degree of sanity, when you meet someone who is consistently rude or inconsiderate, just get away from them. Break up with them if they are your boyfriend. But don't work yourself into a nervous breakdown.


You will also be best served if you simply stop making demands of everybody...demanding that they show up here, demanding that they call at exactly such and such a time. Relax and don't build your life around other people and their whims.


If somebody gets mad because you wonder where they've been, don't upset yourself. It's absolutely insane for any human being to go out of his or her way to upset themself. Life is just too darned short for that. You have no control over others. Let them get mad. You decide if you want to be around people like that or leave and find other friends.


Get yourself together as soon as possible or you will be in for a miserable life. And stop demanding people behave like you want them to. Until the day you die, people will do what the hell they want. It's up to you to find people whose values are as close to yours as possible.

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