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To Tony


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Oh well thanx for your opinion but, uhmm did I give you the impression that you could insult me at any time I mean was I looking for insults or advice. You where kinda rude but anyway maybe that's just you. Anyway but thanx for reading it and telling me what you thought.And well if he didn't want me he wouldn't had goten me a ring ok

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I don't feel I was rude at all. I was just trying to get across to you in type, which is not very demonstrative, that you get way too hyped up about things. I really don't think my reply was that much different from the other one.


If you took what I wrote as insults, then you aren't open to change. I don't know you and have nothing to profit from insulting you or anyone else. But from your post, you are headed toward a life of misery if you don't get yourself together. If you consider that an insult, get a counsellor to help you with that too.


I may be the best friend you ever had. Your closest friends may not have the guts to tell you what I have told you, given your defensiveness.

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