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Big Regrets

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i have a whole mess of problems I have been going out with my boyfriend for almost six months i love him with all my heart and wouldnt do any thing to husrt him ... again see went to a party and got into some things i definatley shouldnt have and i slept with someone that i had only met that day now my best friend is telling him that i am cheating on him with a twenty one year old and he believes her over me i understand where he"s coming from but about three months ago about twelve people came up to me saying he had cheated on me with my best friend that is now about three months pregnant i forgave him and dont talk about it and he says the baby isnt going to be his and i told him that if i found out it was that he was going to take care of it no matter what i feel like im being to overpowering help!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::rolleyes:

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Remember, puncutation is your friend.


Lemme get this straight:

  • You went to a party, got f*cked up, had sex with someone other than your bf;
  • Someone else told him you were cheating on him;
  • Someone told you that he's cheated on you and a baby's now on the way.

Do I have that right so far?

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No Slubber she cheated and he cheated with her best friend ,that is now 3 months pregnant ,and her bf says it isn't his and she says it could be ..She doesn't know what to do if it turns out it is..

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No Slubber she cheated and he cheated with her best friend ,that is now 3 months pregnant ,and her bf says it isn't his and she says it could be ..She doesn't know what to do if it turns out it is..

Thanks for the translation. Alas, I'm not too good with girl-ese sometimes.

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