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is he cheating on me??

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i have been dating this guy for almost two years and for a while we lived outdoors pretty much we had a shack and that was it but we had family right down the road so when we needed to eat or anything we went down there. everything was great then. we got a apartment and got three dogs and they ended up with puppys and since that we lost our apartment and so we were back where we started but this time with a lot of dogs and we had some problems and we couldn't live there anymore and then there was alot of trouble with the dogs and since we moved in with his dad we don't have sex hardly anymore and he stays up really late and i have caught him watching pornos on tv and he denied it until we got into a big arguement about it, and he said "it's a guy thing you'll never understand". then i ended up moving back in with my mom because there was alot of stress and i was on antidepressants for depression and anxiety and he was always complaining about me sleeping alot cause they made me really tired, but anyways i moved back to my mothers and now i hardly talk to him he says he'll call and he never does and i end up calling him. he looks really drained he hardly sleeps.i found a number with no name in his wallet and a week later i looked to see if it was still there and it wasn't there anymore and i couldn't find it. he acts really weird and hardly talks to me. every time i call him he is rushing me off the phone. i just need to know if this really sounds like he is cheating or not.



what are the signs of cheating????

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Do a google search on signs of cheating. Theres really too many to list. Hard to say if he is cheating or not. I think you do need to try to communicate with him better, and perhaps get to the root of what may or may not be going on.






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Wow - I literally lost my breath trying to read that post, as I waited for a comma, period, exclamation point - something to let me know I could take a breath. Punctuation, friend!


As for cheating - sometimes all the signs can be right under your nose and you won't see them. Trust your heart - not the signs. The heart usually knows better than the head, so says I.

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