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Need advice!!!!!!


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I was with her for almost two years. Most of time were LD. The best way to describe our relationship was intense, both postive and negative way. We shared a lot and went thru a lot together. Anyhow, I broke up with her couple of months ago cuz she will be starting wrok overseas..and we won't be able to see much at all. During the relationship we could be able to see each other more. But not now, since I will be working here. So I suggested..no..DECIDED to break up..that was a bad move..no I think about it.


She was hurt and somehow went out with another guy..but didn't work out..at all. I didn't know that still she came back last month and I have been thinking b4 she came back that if I have made a mistake. I now regret so much for breaking up


I was just being myself at the time. It was more of LUST when I first dated her.. But now, I've lost her..and us can't let go since she devoted so much into the relationship when I was just goofing around.. And losing her make me realize a lot, and I am willing and I am trying to change the way I handle things


How can I get her back? Do I have any hope on my relationship??


P.S: because my english is very hardly for everyone , everyone can understand to me for that,please!!!

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But now,

I've lost her..and us can't let go since she devoted so much into the relationship when I was just goofing around.. And losing her make me realize a lot, and I am willing and I am trying to change the way I handle things How can I get her back? Do I have any hope on my relationship??

Tell her just that, that you realize you've made a mistake and all the other things (which you haven't detailed here) that have accompanied that realization. We all make mistakes in love and if the love is real there will be a certain amount of leeway for forgiveness and understanding. So it's possible that she might be able to forgive you and give things another try. Don't expect it, but since this is eating you up you might as well express yourself to her.


If she says no, well, then there's nothing more you could do and you'll have to move on. There's a lesson here about valuing people and love more than you did in the past, and hopefully you won't make the same mistake again in your next relationship.


If she says yes, great -- and be sure you don't forget this lesson by slipping back into your old, unappreciative ways.

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