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What can I do?

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I just broke up with my b/f but we are still living together because I do not have enough money to move out. Since I could not find a job almost a year and half, he supports me sometimes. He thought I am not a right person to get marry so he said he doesnt wanna told me. He is on vacation right now with his friends. I sent our a lot of resumes but no reply...what can I do? I am very upset. If he came back, we are still living together without any feeling or he will get a new g/f. I really don't know what can I do.

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You've got to get out of there. You can never depend on someone to support you like this. If you don't have family to move in with, get a job somewhere and look for a roommate.


There are lots of jobs out there for people of various educational backgrounds. Go to an employment agency and they may help you assess your skills and abilities and place you with an appropriate employer.


If you have friends to stay with in the meantime, do so.


If you have no relatives, no friends and no job, this situation should have a great impact on your for the future. Get some of each of the above as you go through life.

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Do you have a close friend that maybe you can go stay with or what about family? Under the circumstances if you are not paying rent there and you don't have a job then he may want you to leave as soon as he gets back. You need to think about that possibility, if you two broke up then you also need to get out of there because being there will only cause you more pain. I think breaking up with him was the right thing to do however now you have this other problem of finding a place to stay. Have you thought about taking a temporary position somewhere, like going to an agency and doing some type of easy clerical work for a little while, just til you get back on your feet? Also how long is he on vacation for? You need to use that time to try and find a job as quick as you can and get out of there. If you have a friend you can stay with until you start working then that would be good. Ask around, there must be someone you can go stay with when he comes back.


Temporary agencies can help you find a job quick and get you a pay check usually within two weeks of hiring. There are a lot of agencies out there that pay you like every week instead of every two weeks, etc. So look in the classifieds of the newspaper or the yellow pages cause there should be tons of them around. If you can use this time to move your stuff out of his apartment before he comes back then do it.


For now it's okay to stay there but when he comes back I would have a friend lined up to go stay with until you can get on your feet.


I hope that helps you out.



I just broke up with my b/f but we are still living together because I do not have enough money to move out. Since I could not find a job almost a year and half, he supports me sometimes. He thought I am not a right person to get marry so he said he doesnt wanna told me. He is on vacation right now with his friends. I sent our a lot of resumes but no reply...what can I do? I am very upset. If he came back, we are still living together without any feeling or he will get a new g/f. I really don't know what can I do.
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Although this is my none business, but do you know that there are not many agencies could help nowaday. The consultants changed their jobs also.



You've got to get out of there. You can never depend on someone to support you like this. If you don't have family to move in with, get a job somewhere and look for a roommate. There are lots of jobs out there for people of various educational backgrounds. Go to an employment agency and they may help you assess your skills and abilities and place you with an appropriate employer. If you have friends to stay with in the meantime, do so. If you have no relatives, no friends and no job, this situation should have a great impact on your for the future. Get some of each of the above as you go through life.
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I hate to differ with you. There are not only many private agencies that can help, but there are also state employment agencies that not only offer to help people find jobs but offer job training opportunities as well.


It's a cruel world out there. People who don't get off their butt, network, pound the pavement and toot their own horn get left in the dust.

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Have you tried this one? www.monster.com


Type in the area where you are at and search the jobs in your area. Get your resume online and take what ever you can land! I have seen a few "residency" jobs, particularly in elder care offering room and board as well as assistance with credited courses in human services.


The important thing is to get out of your current situation and gain some independance so that you'll never feel trapped again and your next relationship will be a healthier one.

I just broke up with my b/f but we are still living together because I do not have enough money to move out. Since I could not find a job almost a year and half, he supports me sometimes. He thought I am not a right person to get marry so he said he doesnt wanna told me. He is on vacation right now with his friends. I sent our a lot of resumes but no reply...what can I do? I am very upset. If he came back, we are still living together without any feeling or he will get a new g/f. I really don't know what can I do.
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