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I was an A$$ and now I will pay for it

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Hi, thanks for reading!


Well Basically I made a real spectacle of myself.....


And now my man (Max) says that he wants us to go out separately from now on because when we go out together we are never happy. Its not like we go out together often at all, and when we do its to chincy places like the store, the gas station, and the like. We live together, so when one goes out, the other goes with type of thing.

Well, Now he is really taking advantage of it, milking it, putting off certain things and saying he’s not going today but maybe tomorrow, basically I can tell he is using it to go out and take care of this issue but also to go out and do what he wants without me (ie the bar, clubbing, drinking whatever)

He has put off doing this thing for 2 days and I think he is trying to drag it out til Friday so he can go out and party on top of it, and YES this is the type of thing where it would be normal to go out for hours to take care of…….

Problem is, he is so sick of me and my problems that I bring to the table that he might call it quits. I do love him, I really really do, but at the same time I don’t want to be made the fool. He has a real problem with saying one thing but doing another…

Should I say something or just let it go??

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How is it you're an a$$ for how he is acting? Theres a reason for why he is not wanting you to go out with him when he does. I doubt it has anything to do with your problems as you say that he is tired of. That sounds like a lame excuse on his part. If you all are a couple he should be there for you during your problems, not bailing and going out without you.






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